Benefits of Bhringraj or Eclipta Alba for Hair, Dandruff, Liver and Skin

Ayurveda praises the herb bhringaraj as “keshya”, the one which immensely helps in hair growth, and prevents dandruff, hair loss, and premature greying. It also helps to improve skin health.

According to the principles of Ayurveda, this plant is light to digest and may dry the tissues of the body. It tastes spicy (katu rasa)  and bitter (tikta rasa). It has hot potency (ushna veerya). It mitigates Vata dosha and Kapha dosha .

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Table of content

Heals wounds

Boosts Eye Health

Strengthens digestive system and Liver

Maintains the health of the circulatory system

Boosts lungs Health

Helps in cystitis and UTI

Boosts the health of the reproductive system

Aids in weight loss

Helps in the rejuvenation of the body

Acts as the beauty herb

Helps in Hair growth and prevents hair loss

How to use as Liver Detox

Home remedies

Heals wounds:

External application of a paste of this plant helps to heal wounds. It cleans the wound and initiates the growth of granulation tissue. It also reduces pain and inflammation caused due to wounds. It prevents the formation of scars and increases fairness and glow.

Boosts Eyes’ Health:

The nutrients in this her boost eye health. It helps to improve vision. Ayurveda acharyas recommend the use of this plant for vision disturbances.

Strengthens Digestive System and Liver:

This plant increases appetite and improves digestion. It acts as a liver stimulant. This herb is recommended for jaundice, intestinal parasites, fatty liver, and indigestion. Usually, this herb is used along with other liver-protective herbs like Punarnava, Chitrak, Rohitaka, Rohitaka, Katurohini, and Bhumyamalakai.

Maintains the Health of the Circulatory System:

Regular use of this plant improves anemia and helps to normalize blood pressure. Research shows that this herb helps to reduce lipid levels, body weight, and weight of the liver ( as in fatty liver) ( )

Boosts Lung Health:

Eclipta Alba acts as an expectorant. It boosts lung health and is used in respiratory infections. It is useful in respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis.

Helps in Cystitis and UTI:

Intake of Juice extract or Swarasa (juice extracted through swarasa kalpana) of eclipta helps in Cystitis and UTI (  burning micturition.)

Boosts the Health of the Reproductive System:

The seeds of this plant are praised as “Vrishya” or aphrodisiac. These help to increase libido and are used in Ayurveda Vajikarana Therapy.

Aids In Weight Loss

Dr. Shirish Bhate says “The raw undigested ama prevents dissolving of meda dhatu (body fat). What is not well known about Bhringaraj is that it helps in dissolving this `Meda’ albeit very slowly. Urine, sweat, and motions eliminate the extra `Meda’.” This herb is recommended to treat obesity.

Helps in Rejuvenation of the Body:

This plant is known for its rejuvenating properties. It boosts strength and improves stamina. According to Dr.Shrish Bhate- “One shloka in ancient texts translates thus: A person who takes bhringaraj swarasa early morning empty stomach, and keeps certain food restrictions (Pathya), he becomes strong and with rich semen  (Bala and Veerya yukta) and lives for hundred years. This experiment can be carried out for about two months every year when fresh leaves of this plant are available plenty”.

In all ayurvedic texts, this herb is praised as a Rasayana and causing Vajikarana. When this herb is used properly, it can reduce sexual weakness, by improving the liver. The liver has an important role in sexual life. This herb is almost an elixir in several other respects. This can also be used by men who suffer from erectile dysfunction

Acts as the beauty herb

Dr. Shrish Bhate a famous Ayurvedic physician explains why this herb can be called a beauty herb. According to him—

What should I do to remain energetic and look beautiful?”  is an important question that many patients pose to a Vaidya. Everyone likes to remain youthful. Many use cosmetics these days; however, to look good, it is necessary to apply your mind to diet and lifestyle, in addition to cosmetics. Body fitness and good looks can be obtained by using ayurvedic herbs.  Though the human body is the most beautiful and complex creation of the superpower, harmony with nature, ayurvedic lifestyles like dinacharya or ayurvedic daily routine and rutucharya is a must, to keep it so.

Amongst various herbs entering the cosmetics department, Bhringaraj comes readily to mind. It is an excellent hepato tonic. These days liver diseases have increased in number. The liver is the mother who guards our health to the maximum, while the kidney is the father who protects us from the evil influence of toxins. Under-functioning liver causes slowing down of Agni, the digestive power. Reduced digestion causes fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness, which spoils beauty. An increase in acidity of the digestive tract, mucous and stickiness in stools, jaundice, etc are consequences of liver damage. The use of this herb reduces the swelling of the liver and kindles true hunger, the digestive Agni. It helps in liver detox.  Smoking, alcohol, betel or pan leaves chewing, and excess of tea-coffee increase liver burden. But herb promotes adequate bile secretion. In most stomach diseases, Aama is the dominating dosha. Worms and undesirable microbes grow in such ama and cause low stomach pain, piles (hemorrhoids), sounds in the intestines after food, bloating, flatulence, and foul smell in flatulence.

When the liver is healthy the skin glow increases and young looks return.

This herb also helps in the elimination of worms and reduces stress and anxiety. Due to improvement in the liver tone, the blemishes on the face also lighten and bring back natural fairness to the face.

Why Ayurveda Recommends Bhringaraj for Hair loss and scalp acne

Vata and Kapha when vitiated accelerate the aging process. Vitiation of these doshas and accelerated aging process leads to hair loss, premature greying, and dry scalp. According to the principles of Ayurveda, this plant mitigates Vata and Kapha. Thus this herb helps to slow down the aging process and protects hair health. Usually, the powder of this herb is used as a hair pack or hair mask to improve hair growth.

Eclipta Alba contains alkaloids (chemical compounds) that act as antimicrobial and anti-fungal. Thus massaging hair with hair oil processed with this herb prevents scalp infections and scalp acne. The addition of neem fortifies this property and immensely helps to prevent scalp acne. Thus this herb is used regularly in ayurvedic hair oils for dandruff . Bhringa oil or Bhringa taila is a classical oil preparation recommended in Ayurveda for healthy hair and scalp

Scalp wounds get very quickly healed when the extract of this herb is applied to them. Bhringaraj cleanses the scalp wound and hastens the growth of granulation tissue thus fastening the healing process.

Massaging oil processed with this herb boosts blood circulation in the scalp. This ensures the supply of nutrients to hair follicles and arrests hair loss. Increased blood supply also aids the growth of strong and healthy hair.

This herb has tremendous rejuvenating properties. It rejuvenates the scalp skin and hair follicles. The process of rejuvenation includes the expulsion of toxins, and the supply of nutrients, and antioxidants.

When this herb is processed with pure coconut oil and other hair-friendly herbs it boosts hair health by leaps and bounds, because coconut oil is extremely hair friendly. Coconut oil is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

This herb is also used in ayurvedic oils for scalp psoriasis

How to use Bhringraj as Liver Detox?

For liver problems,  fresh juice of leaves of this herb can be taken every morning empty stomach, 2-3 ml, for three to six weeks. This improves the tone of the liver, spleen, and digestion. If the dose is exceeded, vomiting or vomiting sensation can occur. The swelling of the esophagus occurs when one takes hot, spicy, fried foods containing chillies for a long time. This swelling progresses into a peptic ulcer in the stomach or duodenum. This can result in ulceration as well as a hiatus hernia. In all these cases fresh juice of this herb (swarasa in traditional texts) gives very beneficial results. Those who can not obtain or make fresh juice, can bring leaves, let them dry in shade, and make powder. This powder must be mixed in fresh leaf juice to make small tablets. The tablets can be taken on about 250 mg empty stomach and at bedtime as a liver tonic.

Thus migraine headache, vertigo, the burning sensation in feet and palms, feverish feeling, feeling hotness in the body, which can not be recorded by a  thermometer, etc are some of the ailments, where Bhringaraj is the herb of first choice.

This herb is a well-known hair tonic, that helps to stop hair loss. If hairs are turning gray prematurely, the color will return to natural. Increases R.B.C. in the blood (rakta Dhatu).

Uses of various ayurvedic medicines with Bhringraj

  • If one takes Amalaki or amla, sesame seeds, and bhringaraj juice in the same order, he will not have any ailments of the five sense organs.
  • The well-known medicine Sutshekhar Ras used for hyperacidity, GERD, (amlapitta, vidagdha ajirna) is also made by using fresh juice of this plant as the binder. Aarogyavardhini Ras is another medicine for the liver, prepared by using the juice of this herb as a binder, though many pharmacies use neem juice also as binder, reducing cost. This tablet differs in cost according to bhasmas used in the preparation, and almost 200% variation can be seen in Indian pharmacies.
  • Well-known medicine for worms of all types, i.e. Krumi Kuthar is also made by using fresh juice of this plant as a binder.
  • Thus this herb reduces Kapha, increases Haemoglobin, strengthens bones (ashthi dhatu), and acts as a tonic for the eyes, brain [ayurvedic memory booster ], intestines, liver, and spleen. The Bhringaraj oil is the best ayurvedic hair oil. While Brahmi oil makes the brain cool, Amalki or amla oil makes hair very smooth, Ayurvedic Bhringaraj oil reduces dandruff, removes old hair, and grows fresh hair. The pores in the scalp open due to this oil. Hence the name `Keshranjan’.
  • A few more uses of this king herb are also in order. Useful for skin diseases too. Gives Relief to Leucoderma. Along with other medicines, acts as supportive in epilepsy, (Apasmara, achaki, khech, etc), and excess urination (Mutratisar). With ajwain powder, it is a powerful pitta pacifier.
  • Gargling with the decoction of this herb helps in tooth pain, gum bleeds, pain, and swelling.

This plant is also known as “maaka” and belongs to Compositae family. It is a small shrub that grows up to 1 foot. It bears white-colored flowers. It grows all over India in places where there is plenty of water supply.

This plant is eulogized as “Bhringaraja” (a plant that makes hair as dark as a beetle), “Maarkava” [a plant which keeps premature graying of hair at bay], and “Kesharaja” (protects the health of hair as king protects his subjects).

It is called “maaka” in hindi.


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Author : Dr.Savitha Suri Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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