Black Grapes – Uses, Benefits, Medicinal Properties.

Ayurveda recommends grapes by virtue of their properties, for constipation, anemia, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, cystitis, and UTI.

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Grapevines are in the category of fruit berries that are found clustered together in 50 to 300. It has the scientific name “Vitis Vinifera” and is widely grown in many parts of the world such as Western India, Turkey, Portugal, Kashmir, Morocco, and Central Europe. Dried grapes are known as raisins or kishmish.

Grapes in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, these fruits are known as Draksha. The fruit was given different names due to one reason or the other; “Mrudweeka” due to its moistness properties,  “Gosthani” due to its cow mammary gland-like shape, and much more. The medicinal properties and their associated health benefits will be highlighted in this content as we continue.

Ayurveda Medicinal Properties, Uses, and Benefits of Grapes

Texts of ayurveda praise the medicinal properties and health benefits of this fruit as follows.

grapes health benefits and uses ayurveda

These fruits are equipped with numerous medicinal properties accompanied by numerous health benefits. It is known for its ability to increase the moistness of the body tissues as well as soften it.

Fruits contain many essential properties which make them stand out amongst other fruits and are also loved by all. They are known for their sweetness and taste (madhura rasa ) to act as body coolants. Grapes are heavy to digest (guru), soft, and increase the body tissues’ moistness (snigdha) , and as a result of these properties, grapes relieve Pitta dosha and Vata dosha. This function makes this fruit relevant as a remedy for Pitta and Vata-related diseases. The major health benefits of grapes are discussed as follows based on each system of the body:

Good for Anemia and Heart

Grapes act as a cardiac tonic and stimulant, to enhance the heart muscles and boost the blood (rakta dhatu) nutrient components referred to as hemoglobin. Because of their ability to alleviate Pitta and Vata, grapes have been researched to be helpful in treating diseases that occur as a result of Pitta and Rakta vitiation such as allergies and gout.

Relieves Constipation

Grape berries are widely employed in helping digestive disorders such as jaundice, constipation, and thirst due to their medicinal property of calming Pitta and Vata to control the digestive system’s activities and functions.

Good for Brain Health

Grapes have been recommended as a nervine tonic due to their capability to alleviate Vata and this also makes the fruits act as a brain tonic to boost brainpower.

Helpful in Impotence

Grapes are tagged “Vrishya” because they are helpful in premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. They assist in enhancing the fertility of both men and women by boosting semen quantity and quality, sperm count, and motility as well as being effective in strengthening the female reproductive system. This fruit is the best ayurvedic food to increase sperm count and is recommended in Vajikarana Therapy Diet.

These fruits are a very rich source of essential nutrients that help in boosting testosterone levels. The main component is resveratrol which increases libido in males and triggers an erection. They improve the motility of sperms.

Maintains Lung Health

These berries contain ingredients to make them a great food to strengthen the lungs, and this made them relevant as the main ingredients in the preparations of Ayurveda medicine to cure bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis, and much more.

Useful in Cystitis and UTI

They are equipped with diuretic properties to help boost the volume and frequency of urine, and aid in soothing the inner bladder layers. Grapes have been recommended for cystitis and UTI.

For Skin Health

Regular consumption of grapes helps to boost skin immunity and prevent various skin-related diseases. They contribute to reducing skin allergies and burning sensations.

For Total Health

Apart from the above health benefits, grapes are a good source of nutrients to improve the general health of patients for a quick recovery. They are also helpful to people who want to build up their immunity and body bulk in a healthy way.

Chemical Composition 

Grapes are considered to be one of the well-equipped nutritious fruits in the family, having about 70 – 80% water as well as numerous inorganic and organic compounds. They contain healthy sugars, nitrogenous compounds, organic acids, aroma compounds, phenolic compounds, pectic substances, minerals, and a good source of the following:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K
  • Zinc
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Bioflavonoid
  • Fluoride
  • Dietary fibers, and much more

Grape Plant

The vines have long, and deciduous woody stems deepened to the ground. The vine has the tendency to live longer to reach up to 35m if properly managed. It is characterized by long and palmate green leaves, about 5 to 7 lobed arranged in an alternate pattern on the woody stem. The fruit is almost globular with 6mm in diameter housing the seeds and turned dark purple when it ripens.


Having explored significant medicinal properties and health benefits of grapes, it will be discovered that no amount of words can describe the use of grapes, as it touches every important system in the body ranging from circulatory, digestive, respiratory, reproduction, and nervous to the urinary system, as well as their effects on skin and overall health of the body. Grapes are one of the promising and well-equipped fruits that must be incorporated into the daily diet. Try it out for good health condition.


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