Benefits of Black Cardamom or Badi Ilaichi in Weight Loss, PCOS and Diabetes

Ayurveda physicians recommend black cardamom or badi ilaichi in obesity for weight loss, PCOS or PCOD, Diabetes, and other home remedies.

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Black Cardamom or Badi Ilaichi in Ayurveda

Ayurveda Vaidyas and Naturopaths recommend incorporating this strong spice into their regular treatment. Black cardamom is used in various home remedies for weight loss, PCOS, Diabetes, and other home remedies.

Black cardamom also known as Badi-ilaichi, is praised as “queen of spices”. Its strong flavor has made it the chef’s favorite spice. This spice is a treasure house of medicinal properties. Naturopaths have found many ways to incorporate this strong spice in their regular treatment. Black cardamom is used in various home remedies for weight loss.

This is a short plant growing to a height of up to 1-1.5 meters in Bengal, Assam, and Himalayan regions of Northeast India. The flowers are white in color and densely formed. The fruit pod is about 2-3 cm long with a reddish-brown color.

This spice is eulogized as Brihad ela in Ayurveda.  It has a Botanical name, Amomum subulatum, and belongs to the Zingiberaceae family.

This spice has different names in different Indian languages.
Hindi – Badi ilayachi
English – Black cardamom, Greater cardamom, Nepal cardamom
Bengali – Badh elach
Gujarati – Elcha
Kannada – Dodda elakki or Kari Elakki
Tamil – Peria elam
Telugu – Tengu elakulu
Marathi – Badi ilayachi

Ayurveda Acharyas explain the properties of cardamom as follows. These are based on ayurvedic principles.

Balances Vata dosha, Kapha Dosha and Aggravates Pitta Dosha

Badi Ilaichi or Black Cardamom uses and benefits

Black Cardamom is light to digest (laghu)  and increases Agni or body fire. It absorbs the excess moisture during digestion.(ruksha). It has a sweet taste or Madhura rasa and a pungent taste or  Katu rasa : This spice is sweet and spicy to taste.
Katu Vipaaka : It retains a spicy taste after digestion. Ushna Veerya: Black Cardamom has hot potency.

With the above-mentioned properties, Black cardamom increases pitta dosha and normalizes Kapha dosha and Vata dosha.

Helps in weight management

Since this spice balances vata and kapha, it tends to reduce medha dhatu or body fat. For effective weight management use this spice as follows.

Powder seeds of one black cardamom. Mix it with ½ teaspoon of ginger powder and ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds (saunf) powder. Boil a glass of water and add this powder mix. Turn off the flames and cover the glass with a lid. Allow this to steep for 5 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey and 1 teaspoon of lime. Consume this on empty stomach. This tea not only helps in weight loss but also detoxifies the body. Black cardamom is also eulogized as a powerful fat burner. The best Many of the Ayurvedic Weight Loss Herbal teas contain Black cardamom as an ingredient. Thus black cardamom is the best home remedy for weight loss.

Very good for Diabetes

Since it helps to reduce body weight and also sets right digestion, it has to control blood sugar levels based on the principles of Ayurveda. It is indicated in the texts of Ayurveda for excess thirst ( trushna ), itching (kandu), and diseases of the bladder (vastiroga). All these symptoms exist in diabetes. Ayurveda vaidyas make use of this spice while treating diabetic patients.

Useful in PCOS or PCOD

Weight gain and increased blood sugar levels are prominent symptoms of PCOS or PCOD. Since this spice is very useful in addressing both symptoms, it can be effectively used in PCOS or PCOD. Black Cardamom or Badi Ilaichi tea can be used as a natural ayurvedic home remedy for PCOS

Helpful in Bad Breath and Gum diseases:

Crush the seeds of one Black cardamom. Boil a glass of water and add powdered seeds. Turn off the flame and cover the glass. Allow this to steep for 5 minutes. Discard the seeds and gargle with this warm water. Repeat this twice daily.  You can also chew a few black cardamom seeds as mouth fresheners.

Kindles appetite and improves digestion

Chew a few seeds of Black Cardamom before meals. It increases appetite and prevents indigestion. Add powdered seeds of cardamom to a glass of water and drink it when you have nausea. It relieves the vomiting sensation. Good digestion leads to excellent fat metabolism. Hence this remedy proves to be the best home remedy for weight loss.

Reduces Joint pain and headache:

For good relief from joint pain and headache, thoroughly mix 5 drops of Black cardamom essential oil in 10 ml of carrier oil. You can use coconut oil or sweet almond oil as a carrier oil. Apply this on aching joints or massage the forehead with this when you have a headache.

Can be used in Mental stress and Tension:

Massage your forehead and neck with the above-said oil. It helps to relieve stress, and anxiety and relax muscles

Beneficial For acne and pimple:

Remove the seeds of one black cardamom. Crush these in a mortar and pestle to a fine powder. Mix 2 teaspoons of gram flour, crushed seeds of black cardamom, and ¼ teaspoon turmeric with grated cucumber. Apply this face mask or face pack on cleansed face. Wash it off with cold water after 20 minutes. This helps to get rid of acne and pimple.

Part used- Fruit pod and Seed
Dosage- Powder of seed 1-3 g / day

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Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

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