Ayurveda Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds and Oil

When sesame oil is processed with other herbs it balances all three doshas. It is mainly used to balance Vata dosha. Sesame oil is very effective in dry skin, psoriasis, hair loss, wrinkles, joint pain, etc.

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Ayurveda Health benefits of sesame seeds and oil

About sesame plant

Sesame seeds in ayurveda

The Health Benefits of sesame seeds and oil have been extensively researched and papers about this research have been published here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4127822/

Balances Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha

Seeds balance Vata dosha. But increase Kapha dosha and pitta dosha. It has the properties of “Yogavahi”. Yogavahi is a substance that has the quality of penetrating the deepest tissues. When sesame is processed with other herbs it normalizes all three doshas. Hence this is used in diseases arising due to vitiation of Vata. And it can also be used in diseases caused due to vitiation of tridoshas. It is very helpful in conditions like diabetes and reduces the frequency of urination.

Kindles Agni and Balances Digestion

Sesame oil has to be used regularly to reap its benefits. Its regular consumption improves total health. Hence in India, it is widely used as cooking oil. It improves digestion and strengthens Agni (digestive power). It acts as a brain tonic and memory booster.

Helps in Dental Caries and Maintains Oral Health

Take 2 teaspoons of roasted white sesame seeds. Chew these seeds early in the morning after brushing your teeth. After chewing this massage your gums with help of your fingers and also lightly rub your teeth. This helps to reduce toothache and strengthens gums.  You can prevent the receding of gums with this ayurvedic home remedy. Chewed and swallowed sesame seeds also help to boost Agni and improve metabolism. Sesame seeds are ground to make a paste. This paste is kept on an aching tooth.

Some may experience increased sensitivity of teeth due to Vata imbalance. It also leads to weak and diseased teeth. In these conditions, sesame seeds paste has to be mixed with water and held in the mouth for 5 minutes. This procedure is known as “Gandusha”.

Ayurvedic doctors recommend oil pulling with sesame oil to prevent dental caries and to support oral health.

Accelerates Wound Healing

Slow-healing wounds or unhealed wounds can be effectively treated with sesame seeds and sesame oil. Make a paste of sesame seeds and apply it over stubborn wounds. It accelerates the healing process and the wound heals quickly. Same way applies pure sesame oil over slow-healing wounds and this promotes quick wound healing. Even these can be applied over burned wounds.

Nullifies Free Radicals by antioxidant properties

According to research https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4127822/ sesame seeds are storehouses of nutrients that are beneficial for humans. These seeds have minerals, vitamins, phytosterols, polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, and lignans like sesamin and sesamolin. These constituents make sesame a superfood. The anti-oxidant activities of these bioactive components neutralize free radicals in the human body and prevent diseases that arise due to free radical activity.

Helps with menstrual problems

Women with PCOS usually get their periods delayed. For them, 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds have to be soaked overnight in water. The next day it has to be ground with 1.5 teaspoons of jaggery. This has to be consumed on empty stomach. This has to be continued for a week. This remedy has to be started 1 week before the menstrual cycle date. This is a PCOS or PCOD natural Indian ayurvedic home remedy.

Sesame seeds are useful in uterine conditions like dysmenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. They act as galactagogues and increase milk secretion in lactating mothers.

Helps to Reduce Inflammation of Piles or Haemorrhoids

A medium ball-sized paste of sesame seeds has to be tied to a cloth. This has to be warmed in steam and hot fomentation is given on swollen, painful piles mass to relieve symptoms.

When sesame seeds are administered with butter, it reduces pain and bleeding in hemorrhoids or piles.

Sesame can be effectively used for indigestion and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Help in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

The sesame seeds act as aphrodisiacs and help in klaibya or erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

The oil of these seeds is used as a base oil in the preparation for Vajikarana oil or aphrodisiac oil. This oil is used for penis massage in men’s health conditions like Impotence and early ejaculation.

Improves Skin Glow and Hair Growth

This oil is highly recommended for body massage or abhyanga. Massaging the body with warm sesame oil helps as the best remedy for dry skin, psoriasis, and dry eczema. It boosts skin health and increases skin glow and complexion.

This oil is eulogized as keshya as it supports hair growth and increases the volume of hair when the scalp is massaged regularly with this oil. It prevents hair loss, the formation of dandruff, the splitting of hair, etc. As it accelerates wound healing it is very effective in scalp acne and boils. Hence this oil is considered as best ayurvedic oil for the body and hair.

Reduces Joint Pain

This oil is used for massaging patients who suffer from paralysis, body pain, and pain in joints.

About sesame plant

Sesame is an oil crop that is widely grown in India and China. Sesame is a common ingredient in almost all cuisines around the world. With a rich nutty flavor, it has gained an important place on kitchen shelves. Sesame oil extracted from sesame seeds are highly recommended by Ayurveda acharyas to use for medicinal purpose. Sesame seeds and oil are used in men’s health conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Sesame is an annual plant and has the botanical name Sesamum indicum. This erect plant grows to a height of 40 to 90 cm. The leaves vary in size and shape. The flowers are bell-shaped and vary in color (white, pale yellow, purple). The fruit of this plant is a capsule and contains small seeds. Upon ripening the fruit naturally splits and releases the seeds. The seeds have the highest oil content than any other oil seeds.

Sesame seeds contain approximately 50% oil and 25% protein. The oil of these seeds contains about 47% oleic and 39% linoleic acid. Foods prepared with sesame oil have a long shelf life because the oil contains an antioxidant called sesamol. The residual sesame meal left after the oil pressing is rich in protein and used as an excellent protein supplement for livestock. Soaps prepared from this oil help to maintain skin health.

Sesame is rich in Vitamin E, and contains Vitamin K, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6.

Sesame seeds in Ayurveda

It is known as “tila” in Sanskrit and in ayurvedic texts, “til” in Hindi. Ayurveda acharyas describe three varieties of sesame based on the color of the seeds. They are “Raktha (red), Krishna (black), and shweta (white)”. The qualities of these varieties are described as follows in “Bhavaprakasha”. 

Types of sesame ayurveda

This means the black sesame seeds are first quality, white sesame is 2nd quality and red ones are of inferior quality.

Usually, Krishna tila or black sesame seeds are considered superior to white and red varieties. Black sesame seeds which are high in medicinal properties and calcium content are recommended in ayurvedic medicines and treatment. White sesame seeds are made by removing the seed coat of the black variety.

The texts of Ayurveda have described the medicinal properties of sesame as follows

Health Benefits of sesame oil

According to the principles of Ayurveda sesame is heavy to digest (guru) and increases the moistness of tissues (snigdha). It has a sweet taste (madhura rasa) and is slightly bitter (tikta rasa). It is hot in potency (ushna veerya). The seeds and oil are used for medicinal purposes.

Black variety sesame is used in diseases of the urinary tract, and piles (hemorrhoids), to reduce swelling and strengthen gums and teeth.


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  1. Ksheerabala Oil or Thailam Uses


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Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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