Erectile Dysfunction or Klaibya -An Ayurveda View

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual problem among men, where a man struggles to achieve or maintain an erection. It is often linked to physical and psychological health conditions. It affects about 30 million men in the US alone. Worldwide, its prevalence increases with age, affecting approximately 50% of men over the age of 40.

Erectile dysfunction, or ‘Klaibya’ caused due to vata dosha , is an age-old concern addressed with holistic healing methods. The condition is considered an imbalance of the ‘Vata’ dosha, affecting male potency. Ayurvedic remedies include natural herbs, lifestyle modifications, and specific practices that aim at restoring vitality and balance.

Table of content

Ayurveda Definition of Erectile Dysfunction or Klaibya

Causes of ED or Klaibya according to Ayurveda

Symptoms of Impotence or Klaibya according to ayurveda

Types of Impotence or Klaibya

Ayurvedic Treatment for Ed and Pe

Ayurveda Definition of Erectile Dysfunction or Klaibya

Texts of ayurveda define erectile dysfunction as follows

क्लैब्यं मैथुने असमर्थ्यम् |- This means the Man’s inability to perform intercourse is Klaibya

क्लैब्यं इति ध्वजानुछ्रय | – Lack of strong erection is Klaibya

Causes of ED or Klaibya according to Ayurveda

Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence ( nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue ) can cause ED.

Age of Men:

Ayurveda describes the cause of impotence or erectile dysfunction due to old age as follows. ” diminution of – tissue elements, strength, energy, span of life, inability to take nourishing food, physical and mental fatigue lead to impotence”

Impotence caused due to old age is called “jaraja claibya” in Ayurveda. After the age of 40, a man’s testosterone level gradually declines. About 5% of men that doctors see for erectile dysfunction have low testosterone levels. In many of these cases, low testosterone causes low libido, not erectile dysfunction.

Injury, trauma and surgery in pelvic region

Testicles are prone to injury as they are suspended outside the abdomen. Bicycle riding or driving a motor bike in bumpy roads can also cause injury to testicles.  Injury to both testicles can reduce the production of androgens or male hormone. The impotence or claibya which arises due to testicular injury is known as bijobaghataja claibya.  Overheating of testicles can also reduce testosterone . Infection of testicles can also injure testicles. If mumps infection during adolescence or early adult hood involves testicles it may affect the production this hormone.

Accidental injury to pelvic region or external genital organ and surgeries for the conditions of prostate, bladder, colon, or rectal area may lead to erectile dysfunction. Even spinal surgeries may cause ED. Trauma to testicles due to bicycle riding can also cause ED. 

These causes are mentioned as abhighata (trauma), shastradantanakhakshataha  (injury from weapons, teeth and nail.) in ayurveda.

Medicines, Treatment and diseases

Texts of Ayurveda explain that consuming medicines or continuing treatment for a long time can cause sexual dysfunction. The treatments for cancers like chemotherapy or radiation therapy may temporarily cause reduction of hormone levels. But sometimes it may become permanent. Chronic kidney related diseases, Cirrhosis of liver , Sarcoidosis, chronic illness etc can also cause low male hormone levels .Corticosteroid medications and medicines used to treat prostate cancer can cause lowered testosterone level. Using medicines like antidepressants, tranquilizers, statins and antihypertensive medicines for a long time can cause Impotence.

The following diseases can cause erectile dysfunction or impotence.

According to ayurveda the diseases which cause erectile dysfunction are “Hritpaandurogatamakakaamalashrama…” – Heart diseases , anaemia , asthma , liver disorders , tiredness . Apart from these the imbalance in tridoshas also cause impotence or erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction ayurvedic remedies include controlling obesity, keeping the heart healthy, consuming healthy foods, balancing doshas and preventing diabetes. 

Physical or Mental tiredness or overexertion  

Working for long hours in office, exercising in gym or outdoors  for long hours, mental stress at office or home, short temperedness ,insufficient sleep or insomnia all these can cause erectile dysfunction in men. Sexual abuse in childhood or in adults can also cause impotence.

Ayurveda acharyas explain these causes as “shoka chintaa, bhaya, traasaat …. “  which means that erectile dysfunction or Impotence occurs due to grief, fear, anxiety and terror. Hence ayurveda vaidyas recommend yoga and meditation as as one of the ayurvedic remedies for erectile dysfunction. 

Strained relationship with sexual partner

Mutual consent and involvement of both partners are very essential for a long lasting healthy sexual relationship. Erectile dysfunction also occurs when there is a disliking towards sexual partner. Ayurveda describes this as “naarinaamarasamjnatwaat…” means disliking for women. Loss of interest occurs when anyone of the partners develops disliking towards the other. Ayurveda acharyas opine that role of each partner should be like a vajikarana dravya or aphrodisiac to each other.

Drugs and tobacco

Addiction to tobacco in any form especially smoking causes erectile dysfunction. Smoking is one of the major reasons for Impotence. Hence quitting tobacco or smoking is the first line of treatment for ED which occurs in tobacco consumers and smokers.  

Excessive consumption of alcohol also causes erectile dysfunction. A small quantity of alcohol can act as a stimulant. But consuming it in excess leads to sexual dysfunction. Apart from this alcohol damages liver which in turn negatively affects sexual function.

Addiction to cocaine, heroin and marijuana also causes erectile dysfunction.

In ayurveda texts these causes have been said in brief as “rukshamannapaanam tathoushadham” – “dry food , drinks and medicines” cause impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Apart from the above mentioned reasons alcoholism, stress, insufficient exercise, obesity and a poor diet which is not rich in nutrients can also cause lowered androgen levels.

Symptoms of Impotence or Klaibya according to Ayurveda

This means “Even though a man has a strong desire or libido to perform sexual act with a cooperative partner, he cannot perform sexual act because of looseness (absence of erection ) of his phallus ( penis). Even if he performs a sexual act with his determined efforts he does not get an erection and gets afflicted with tiredness, perspiration, and frustration to perform sex. Such a condition is known as claibya”.

Through this ayurvedic verse it is clear that, even though men have good health, strong desire, and cooperative sexual partner, they may experience weak erections or failure to attain a strong one.

Types of Impotence or Klaibya

According to Ayurveda, Klaibya or sexual dysfunction is classified into 4 types . They are

Jaraja Klaibya –or Erectile Dysfunction due to old age

As age advances the male hormone testosterone levels dip. A low level of testosterone hormone causes metabolic disturbances leading to obesity, depression, loss of sensitivity of nerves (especially in the male genital organ), atrophy of penile muscles, shrinkage of testicles, low energy level, and loss of stamina and concentration. The metabolic disturbances so caused due to low testosterone leads to type 2 diabetes, increased blood cholesterol level, and heart and vascular diseases. All these factors lead to loss of male libido, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation.

Kshayaja Klaibya – Sexual dysfunction due to undernourishment

Texts of Ayurveda describe the fourth type of impotence called “kshayaja klaibya”. The reduction in the quality and quantity of semen or shukra dhatu is the reason for this type of condition. The following factors harm quality and quantity of shukra dhatu.

Worrying continuously about everything.

Repeated experience of grief.

Uncontrolled anger, stress, and anxiety.

Fear of facing problems.

Addiction to alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs.

Consumption of unhealthy and non-nourishing foods.

Repeated fasting even though the body is undernourished.

The above-mentioned factors reduce the quantity and quality of rasa dhathu.

Dhvajabhangaja klaibya – Impotence due to tissue injury.

When tissues of the male reproductive system undergo degeneration or experience trauma, men experience “dhvajabhangaja Klaibya”. Numerous causes like chronic diseases, hunger, trauma to penile tissues, etc can cause this type of sexual dysfunction in young men.

Bijopaghataja Claibya

This type of impotence is caused due to reduction in the quality of semen. When the male reproductive system is deprived of essential nutrients the quality of semen or Shukra Dhatu suffers. ( Read Ayurveda Definition of Shukra Dhatu (semen ))

According to Ayurveda acharya Charaka, when the quantity and quality of semen reduce, erectile dysfunction sets in.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Ed and Pe

Strengthening shukra Dhatu

 Shukra dhatu, one of the 7 dhatus or tissues in the human body, plays a great role in keeping the male reproductive system healthy and normal. Any imbalance in this dhatu or tissue leads to impotence causing ED and PE.

The main aim of Klaibya treatment is to balance tridoshas, especially Vata dosha , strengthen shukra dhatu, and make human reproductive organs healthy and strong.

To achieve this texts of Ayurveda recommend various herbs which have tremendous aphrodisiac properties.  These herbs do various functions like detoxification, supply of essential nutrients, and strengthening the body tissues. These also boost the stamina of men by nourishing shukra dhatu.

Ayurveda acharyas have given a lot of importance to food and home remedies to balance shukra dhatu. An Ayurvedic diet for erectile Dysfunction is strongly recommended for those who undergo treatment for Impotence.

Vajikarana Therapy or Virility Therapy

Vajikarana Therapy is an ayurvedic treatment to increase the strength and stamina of men like that of a horse. (Read Ayurveda Vajikarana Therapy )

The definition of Vajikarana therapy or treatment goes as follows. It is a therapy to Strengthen a man like a horse (Vaji = horse) to improve his performance in bed, to address ED or erectile dysfunction, PE or premature ejaculation, low sperm count, and low motility. This therapy makes a man strong like a horse and also helps him to impregnate his partner to get healthy offspring.

Follow Dinacharya and Rutucharya

We all know an unhealthy diet and lifestyle can cause various diseases and Impotence is one among them. Ayurveda acharyas highly recommend following dinacharya (ayurvedic daily routine) and rutucharya (ayurvedic seasonal routine) without fail. These routines describe diet, exercise, and sleep routines, to balance body and mind.

Accommodating these routines in our daily life help to boost our immunity, and improve energy and stamina. These also help to detox our body regularly and to expel accumulated toxins easily.

Healthy Ayurvedic Diet

Consuming food according to our prakruti ( body constitution) and dosha predominance helps to maintain good health with profound energy and stamina. Including superfoods, fruits, dry fruits and nuts in your daily diet are very important when you want to perform well in bed. A healthy diet keeps your body and minds strong.

Exercises, YOGA, and Meditation

Studies have found that losing a few pounds improves the performance of men in bed. Increased physical activity helps to reduce weight and help you to fight the battle against the loss of erection.

Texts of Ayurveda quote avyayama or not exercising as the cause of klaibya or sexual dysfunction. Hence good exercise for 45 minutes daily is recommended to keep the sexual life active. Even a brisk walk for 45 minutes helps. (Read Benefits of Brisk Walking)

Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

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