Raisins or Dry Grapes Health Benefits According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda recommends using raisins for erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation, to increase sperm count, constipation, and weight gain. The benefits of Raisins soaked in water are abundant.

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Table of Content

Raisins in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Medicinal Properties of Raisins

Ayurveda Health Benefits

In Cystitis and UTI


For Erectile Dysfunction and Sperm Count

Benefits of eating raisins soaked in water

Ayurvedic Home Remedies:

Raisins in Ayurveda

These are very popular dry fruits. The Health benefits of dry grapes are very much appreciated in Ayurveda.  Ayurveda acharyas praise these fruits as ” drakshaa phalottama” which means grapes are superior among fruits.

These dry fruits are made by drying grapes .These may be of black variety or white variety. Dried formof grapes are raisins.

Botanical name – Vitis vinifera Linn
Family- Vitaceae

It has different names in several Indian languages

Hindi – Munakka, kishmish
Telugu – EnduDrākṣa
Kannada- Ona Drakshi,
Tamil – thiratchaim.
Marathi – manukau.
Malayalam – unakkamuntiri
Gujarati – Sukī drākṣa
Urdu – manukha, kishmish

Ayurvedic Medicinal Properties of Raisins

Texts of Ayurveda describe the pharmacological properties of this dry fruit as follows.

raisins ayurveda benefits and uses

Among six rasas or shadrasa, it has a sweet taste (madhura rasa) and also retains the same taste after digestion (vipaka). It is heavy to digest (guru) and improves the moistness of tissues (snigdha). It acts as a body coolant (sheeta veerya) and Balances vata dosha and pitta dosha.

Ayurveda Health Benefits of Raisins and Soaked Raisins

In ayurvedic pharmacology, dried grapes are used as sweetening and cooling agents in lehyam preparations. In lehyam preparations a mixture of spices is used as carriers and preservatives. To pacify the hot properties of these spices dried grapes are used. Apart from that ,these fruits also act as instant energizers when lehyam is administered. They also ease bowel movement. Drakshadi Rasayana, an immunity-boosting preparation,  is also prepared using these fruits.

Helps in Cystitis and UTI

According to principles of Ayurveda Vitis vinifera or grapes have sheeta veerya or cold potency. Dry grapes are natural coolants. Hence they balance pitta and have body cooling properties. Ayurveda acharyas recommend these to use in burning micturition  (burning sensation while passing urine), which happens in cystitis and UTI. It is used as a home remedy for cystitis and UTI. It soothes the inner layers of the bladder and urinary tract.

Quenches excess thirst:

Ayurveda acharyas eulogize grapes and dried grapes as “trishnaghna” or substances that quench thirst in conditions like fever and dosha imbalance. In these conditions, we feel increased thirst which cannot be satiated by plain water. For this boil 20 – 25 of these dry fruit in a liter of water and cool it. Sip this water frequently and chew the boiled dry grapes in between.

Beneficial in Pregnancy and Constipation

The benefits of these dry fruits during pregnancy are innumerable. Dried grapes are a rich source of iron and fibers. Hence they help to fight anemia and constipation which usually occur during pregnancy.  It is very common for pregnant women to experience constipation. These dry fruits are the best answer for this. The home remedy for this is given at the end of the article.

Helps in PCOS

In women with PCOS or PCOD , weight gain, and irregular bleeding are common symptoms. These dry fruits can be used as a substitute for sweet cravings. This improves energy and also prevents excess consumption of sugar. Since they are high in fiber they help in smooth bowel movement. This can be added to Ayurvedic Diet for PCOS.

They also help with menstrual disorders. Usually, women face menstrual disorders like cramps and excessive bleeding. Iron deficiency anemia surfaces when there is increased menstrual bleeding. Consumption of dried form of grapes definitely helps with menstruation problems.

For all the above-mentioned conditions the home remedy given at the end of this article can be tried.

Helps in Erectile Dysfunction and Sperm Count

These dried fruits are known to increase and strengthen shukra dhatu. Strong shukra dhatu helps to rectify klaibya or erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It is also recommended for male infertility. These balance pitta and Vata and also contain considerable amounts of minerals, such as iron, copper, magnesium, and potassium. All these minerals are very vital for sperm health. Hence ayurvedic doctors recommend using these dry fruits to increase sperm count and motility.

Since it helps to relieve constipation it can be used by men who suffer from constipation and erectile dysfunction. This fruit is used in Vajikarana Rasayana and Vajikarana Therapy which are recommended to boost sexual function in men.

Helps to gain weight:

People who are underweight can reap the benefits of this fruit. Dried grapes help to gain a healthy weight. While explaining Brihmana therapy (weight gain therapy), Ayurveda acharyas recommend preparations of these dried fruits. Drakshadi rasayana is one such preparation of these dried fruits that helps in weight gain.

Good for Liver

These dried fruits are recommended to relieve symptoms of vomiting, burning sensation, and dryness of skin and mouth. Since it pacifies pitta all the above symptoms can be addressed by using these fruits. Dried grape is especially used in treating hangovers due to excessive alcohol intake and to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body and liver.

Benefits of eating raisins soaked in water

Always use raisins soaked in water. Wash 10 to 12 raisins in plain clean water and then soak them in a small bowl of water. The next day early morning mash these raisins and drink them along with water. This helps in the following conditions

  • It relieves constipation and eases bowel movement
  • Quenches thirst and boosts energy
  • Reduces hangovers if you have consumed alcohol the previous night.
  • Helps to get rid of acidity, nausea, vomiting, chest burn, and belching.
  • Increases body weight.
  • Calms mind
  • very helpful in gout as it detoxifies the liver.
  • Increases sexual function and fertility in men
  • It helps in easy bowel movement and is very beneficial for the eyes

Raisins home remedies:

  1. Soak 8-10 of these dried grapes overnight in a cup of water. The next day morning blend these with the same water and consume them on empty stomach.
  2. In fever or excess pitta we experience a lot of thirst and drying of the mouth. For this boil 20 – 25 of these in a liter of water and cool it. Sip this water frequently and chew the boiled fruits in between.
  3. When you have constipation during pregnancy, boil 20 – 25 dry grapes in a cup of water. Allow it to cool. Mash these grapes along with water and add a teaspoon of honey. Consume this twice daily. This home remedy with raisins helps in pregnancy-related constipation.
  4. Chew a few of these dried fruits slowly when you have a sweet craving. This helps in weight loss after delivery and also weight loss during PCOS.

Also Read Drakshadi Rasayanam Uses Health Benefits

Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for free. Email drsavithasuri@gmail.com . WhatsApp + 91 6360108663

Author : Dr. Savitha Suri Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

Reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319062831_A_Comprehensive_review_of_Raisins_and_Raisin_components_and_their_relationship_to_human_health 

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