Drakshadi Rasayanam Uses Health Benefits

Drakshadi rasayanam or rasayana is an ayurvedic preparation, used in rejuvenation therapy, anemia, indigestion, acidity, asthma, cough.

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Benefits of Ayurveda Rasayana Therapy

Ingredients of Drakshadi Rasayana

Health Benefits and Uses of Drakshadi Rasayana or Maha Drakshadi Rasayana

Benefits of Ayurveda Rasayana Therapy

Ayurvedic Rasayana therapy or Rejuvenation therapy helps to slow down aging process, increases memory, boosts body immunity, and enhances complexion and youthfulness of the skin. Sense organs and voice regain their sharpness. Rasayana therapy rejuvenates the whole body and as well reproductive system thus making one feel young and energetic in all aspects of life.

Consumption of herbal rasayana preparations is known as “Aushadha rasayana”. One can reap the benefits of rasayana therapy by regularly consuming “Aushadha rasayana”. “Drakshadi Rasayana” and “mahadrakshadi rasayana” is one such herbal rasayana preparation.

Ingredients of Drakshadi Rasayana

Drakshadi rasayana contains draksha (grapes or Vitis Vinifera) , amla or amalaki (Indian gooseberry or Emblica officinalis ), Honey, Ginger, Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra or madhuyashti), sugar, long pepper, and ghee

Grapes or draksha :

grapes health benefits and uses ayurveda

According to principles of ayurveda Grapes act as body coolant. They boost memory power and act as a brain tonic. They help to relieve constipation and promote digestion. These berries act as a cardiac tonic and increase blood hemoglobin. Grapes are known to balance rakta (blood) and pitta. Hence they are very useful for gout and allergies. They strengthen the lungs and help patients who are recuperating from tuberculosis, bronchitis, and asthma. Grapes help in cystitis and burning micturition as they soothe the inner layers of the bladder and act as diuretics. The fertility of men and women increases with the regular consumption of these berries. They strengthen the female reproductive system and increase sperm count and sperm motility. Grapes play an important role in boosting the immunity of the skin and thus protecting it from various skin disorders. Usually, dry grapes or raisins are used in this.

Amalaki or amla (Indian gooseberry or Emblica officnalis):

Amla or amalaki balances tridoshas. It strengthens hair follicles and rejuvenates skin on the scalp. Regular consumption of this fruit boosts the immunity of the skin and prevents outbreaks of acne and pimples. It reduces the burning sensation of the eyes, enhances memory, strengthens the nervous system, normalizes digestion, reduces acidity, rejuvenates the liver, and relieves constipation.

It acts as a good cardiac tonic and helps to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. Amla acts as an aphrodisiac and helps in erectile dysfunction and oligospermia. It rejuvenates the male reproductive system. This berry soothes the burning sensation of the urinary tract and is very useful in cystitis and burning micturition.


Benefits of honey

This ingredient acts as an instant energizer, as sugars in honey are quickly absorbed by the digestive system. Due to its hygroscopic properties, it helps in the quick healing of wounds and the growth of healing tissue. It is very useful in bed wetting disorders. It rejuvenates damaged skin and acts as an antioxidant. Honey boosts body immunity as it increases the number of white blood cells. Honey is known as “Yogavahi” as it penetrates the deeper tissues. Its addition to herbal preparations helps to enhance the medicinal properties of herbs and helps these herbs to reach the deeper tissues.

Health Benefits and Uses of Drakshadi Rasayana

Thus the medicinal properties of the above ingredients have made “Drakshadi Rasayana” useful in many conditions like


The precious ingredients like grapes, amla and honey help to nourish blood and help in anemia.


Drakshadi rasayana helps in promoting digestion and increasing appetite.


Amla and grapes are known to reduce acidity. Thus drakshadi rasayana helps to reduce acidity and flatulence. It also helps to reduce vomiting sensation and nausea.,

Asthma, Tuberculosis, Bronchitis and cough:

Drakshadi rasayana boosts the immunity of the lungs. It strengthens the lungs, boosts immunity, and nourishes the blood. All these facts together help patients who are recuperating from Asthma, Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, and cough. It also prevents further damage due to repeated infection of the respiratory system.

It is very useful in pregnancy and acts as a foetal nourisher. It helps to prevent miscarriages and abortions.

Also Read

Ayurveda Rasayana Therapy or Rejuvenation Therapy

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) rasayana – A rejuvenating Preparation

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Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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