Rakta Dhatu ( Blood ) In Ayurveda

Rakta dhatu or blood is one of the 7 dhatus or tissues explained in Ayurveda. Rakta dhatu performs vital activities needed for a healthy life.

Related article – Ayurveda Description of 7 Tissues or Sapta Dhatu

Table of content

Formation of rakta or blood an ayurveda view

Functions of Rakta dhatu or blood according to ayurveda

5 basic elements (Panchabhoutikatwa) in rakta dhatu or blood

What causes imbalance of rakta dhatu ?

Diseases caused by the imbalance of Rakta dhatu or blood

Features of a person who has balanced rakta dhatu (Raktasara purusha)

How to Increase Blood in Body – Ayurveda Way

Formation of rakta or blood an Ayurveda view

According to Ayurveda when rasa dhatu (lymph) is mixed with “ranjaka pitta” (haemoglobin) it forms Rakta dhatu or blood. Ranjaka pitta is one of the 5 types of pitta.

Functions of Rakta dhatu or blood according to Ayurveda

Rakta dhatu in balanced condition nourishes the body. Its functions are explained as follows

“Raktam varna prasaadanam mamsa pushtim jeevayathicha”

Rakta dhatu enhances the tone, complexion and glow of the skin. It strengthens and nourishes “mamsa dhatu” (Muscles). The whole physiology of the body is dependent on this tissue. Rakta strengthens the body and keeps it healthy. It increases the life span and keeps the person active.

When a person has pure and healthy blood in his body he exhibits the following symptoms.

-He has an attractive complexion and glowing skin
-His sense organs work perfectly.
-He has perfect digestive power.
-He is always healthy and happy.
-His other dhatus get good nourishment.

5 basic elements (Panchabhoutikatwa) in rakta dhatu or blood

According to Ayurveda panchamahabhuta constitution of blood is as follows

Its fleshy odour indicates the presence of earth element or pruthvi bhuta. Its fluid nature shows water element or jala bhuta. It is red in colour indicating the presence of a fire element or agni bhuta, Its pulsatile movement indicates air element or Vayu bhuta, It is light in nature indicating space element or akasha bhuta.

What Imbalances Rakta Dhatu ?

Rakta Dhatu, an essential tissue in Ayurveda, plays a critical role in nourishing the body, maintaining life, and providing vitality. An imbalance in this tissue can disrupt overall health and manifest in various ailments.

Several factors can lead to the disruption of this crucial tissue:

Dietary Missteps:

Consuming foods that are excessively spicy, sour, salty, or oily can cause an accumulation of heat in the body. This can lead to a vitiation of the blood tissue. Likewise, irregular eating habits, overeating, or the intake of incompatible food combinations can also upset the balance.

Excessive Alcohol and Toxins:

Overindulgence in alcoholic beverages or exposure to environmental toxins can overburden the liver, a vital organ for blood purification. This, in turn, can lead to impurities in the blood.

Emotional Factors:

Chronic stress, anger, or emotional turmoil can generate excess heat in the body, which can impact the quality and health of the blood.

Lack of Physical Activity:

Sedentary lifestyles lead to poor circulation. Stagnation can result in the accumulation of toxins, affecting the purity and health of the blood.

Overexposure to Sun or Heat:

Spending excessive time in hot environments or under the direct sun can increase the body’s internal heat. This heightened thermal state can upset the balance of the blood tissue.

Hormonal Imbalance:

Hormonal fluctuations, especially those that are not in sync with the body’s natural rhythms, can lead to disorders of the blood.

Inadequate Sleep:

Irregular sleep, sleeplessness or lack of sufficient rest can hinder the body’s natural detoxification processes, leading to impurities in the blood.

Underlying Medical Conditions:

Certain diseases or conditions, such as liver disorders, infections, or inflammations, can directly or indirectly affect the balance and health of the blood.

It’s essential to recognize the signs of imbalance early and take corrective measures. Ensuring a balanced lifestyle, diet, and emotional state can significantly help maintain the harmony of Rakta Dhatu, thereby promoting overall health and well-being.

Diseases caused by imbalance of Rakta dhatu or blood (increase or decrease of rakta dhatu)

Rakta dhatu can get imbalanced from 3 doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). When it gets vitiated various diseases surface. This is explained in ayurveda as follows.

Raktam visarpa pleeha vidradheen kushta vaatasra pittasra gulmopa kusa kaamalaa vyangaagni naasha sammoha raktatwam netra mootrata”

Visarpa or herpes

This is caused due to vitiation of rakta. This can be herpes zoster or Genital Herpes or Oral herpes (HSV1 and HSV2)

Vidradhi – abscess

The root cause for Vidradhi or abscess is vitiation or imbalance of rakta dhatu due to tridoshas.  This leads to pain, swelling and formation of pus.

Kushta – skin disorders

Skin disorders like acne, pimples, psoriasis, etc arise when rakta dhatu is thrown off balance due to vitiated  doshas

Vata rakta or Rakta vata also called as rakta vadam in malyalam  – gout

Vata rakta in Ayurveda is the condition referred to as gout or increased uric acid level. Rakta associated with vitiated Vata affects joints leading to sandhi shoola or joint pain . Here, blood also gets imbalanced with high uric acid levels.

Rakta pitta – hemorrhagic disorders

Rakta pitta is bleeding through orifices of the body like nose, mouth, anus, urethra, vagina etc. This occurs when rakta or blood is vitiated due to pitta.

Gulma – tumours

Gulma is the round elevated mobile or non mobile tumour which arise in the gastrointestinal region between the heart and the bladder.Tumours occur when rakta dhatu is associated with vitiated doshas specially vata. In women it can occur in garbhashaya or uterus.

Kamala – jaundice

Rakta dhatu and Liver are very closely associated. Imbalance of this dhatu can cause , Kamala or jaundice that occurs due to vitiation of blood and pitta.

Vyanga – pigmentation of skin

Vyanga is pigmentation of skin like melasma and dark circle.  This occurs when imbalanced blood affects skin

Agni nasha – indigestion

Any variations in balanced rakta dhatu can cause weakening of body fire or Agni. This leads to loss of appetite, indigestion and malabsorption.

Sammoha – syncope

A person feels tired when there is a dip in the quality of rakta dhatu. He can also lose consciousness often.

Raktatwaknetra mootrata – Redness of eyes, skin and urine

bloodshot eyes, redness on the skin and passing red coloured urine all these symptoms show that there is an imbalance of rakta dhatu.

When there is reduction in quality of Rakta dhatu the following symptoms appear

“Raktemla sisirapreethi siraashaithilya rookshatha”

When the quality of rakta dhatu reduces , the person gets increased desire for amla rasa or sour foods and cold substances .  He gets burning sensation in palms and foot. Blood vessels collapse and skin becomes dry ( Dry skin )

Features of a person who has balanced rakta dhatu (Raktasara purusha)

“Karnaakshi mukha jihva naasaushtta paada
tala nakha lalaata mehanam snigdha rakta varnam
srimad Bhraajishnu rakta saraanaam ,saa saarata sukham……”

The person who has completely formed, well-balanced rakta dhatu, exhibits the following characters

His/her ears, eyes, face, tongue, nose, lips, palms, soles, nails, forehead, genital organ look bright red and glistening. They have a healthy look with radiance.

He or she will be attractive and energetic.

These persons do not tolerate heat, stress or strain.

How to Increase Blood in Body – Ayurveda Way

Rakta dhatu is nourished by iron-rich foods such as red meat, beets or beetroot, red cabbage, raisins, sweet black grapes and cranberry juice. These foods are rich in iron. Rakta dhatu is hot, sharp and pungent in nature. It gets its colour from Ranjaka Pitta. Hence pitta stimulating lifestyles and herbs help to increase the quality of blood. Soaking in the morning sunlight, using mildly hot spices like black pepper, long pepper, ginger etc help to improve the quality of this dhatu.

Soak 10 to 15 raisins in water overnight. Eat these early mornings on an empty stomach along with soaked water. This helps to increase blood.

Drinking Ayurveda vrushya ksheera  or Dates with milk at night helps to strengthen this tissue.

Ranjaka pitta which colours rakta is closely associated with the liver. Hence liver stimulating sour and bitter herbs like amla, lemon, guduchi or giloy, turmeric etc also contribute to increasing the quality of this dhatu. Liver detox also helps to improve quality of this dhatu.

(WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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