Amla rasa or Sour Taste in Ayurveda

Amla rasa in Ayurveda means sour taste and this is included in the list of Shad rasa or 6 important tastes in Ayurveda. Sour Taste or tangy taste is also known as khatta swaad खट्टा स्वाद, in Hindi, Maṅkalāṉa cuvai (மங்கலான சுவை ) in Tamil, ugra vibhavaṁ ( ഉഗ്ര വിഭവം) in Malayalam, Āmbaṭ chav (आंबट चव) in Marathi, Huḷi ruci ( ಹುಳಿ ರುಚಿ) in Kannada

Related article Concept of 6 Tastes or Shad-Rasa in Ayurveda

What Ayurveda says about Sour Taste?

According to Ayurveda, the main panchamahabhuta elements in this taste or panchabhoutikatwa of sour taste are the element Agni (fire) and element ap or jala (Water). As a result, when foods with tangy taste are consumed we experience increased salivation.

The sour taste is composed of Pruthvi (earth) and Teja (fire) elements. Because of earth element sour foods are heavy to digest and increase Kapha. The fire element aggravates pitta and pacifies Vata.

Usually, foods with tangy tastes are hot in potency. (There may be a few exceptions). Hence these foods increase fire elements in the body. When consumed in proper quantity, they balance Vata dosha and make it move in its proper channels. Sour foods increase pitta dosha and Kapha dosha. When we consider the effect of sour taste on sapta dhatu or 7 vital tissues, it vitiates Rakta Dhatu or blood.

Effects of sour-tasting foods on our body

  • They cause a tingling sensation in the teeth.
  • Increase salivation and initiate secretion from internal organs.
  • Makes you sweat.
  • Cleanses oral cavity.
  • Causes burning sensation in mouth and throat
  • Tickles the tongue and improves the function of taste buds.
  • It is a very pleasing taste that also stimulates sense organs.
  • Improves and boosts digestion.
  • Relieves constipation by balancing apana vayu.
  • It is a heart-friendly taste.
  • But decreases the quality and quantity of shukra dhatu.
  • Sour Taste induces urination and acts as a diuretic.
  • It boosts body strength and increases energy. Hence it is recommended in Brumhana therapy.

Examples of naturally sour-tasting foods:

Unripe mango, lemon, tamarind, gooseberry or amla , unripe grapes, some varieties of tomatoes, fermented yogurt or curd, buttermilk, fermented batters, etc

Benefits of Sour tasting foods:

Amla rasa or tangy-tasting foods are good appetizers. They stimulate Agni or body fire and are good for the heart. They increase the secretion of digestive juices and improve the quality of digestion by relieving flatulence, bloating, and discomfort. Hence we always advise consuming warm water, lemon, and honey as the first drink in the morning to balance Tridoshas.

This drink initiates peristaltic movement of the digestive system, eases bowel movement, and is a good remedy for constipation. These foods stimulate the liver, help to reduce the viscosity of bile juice and increase the flow of bile. Tangy-tasting foods improve concentration and awaken the mind’s energy. Sour fruits are storehouses of Vitamin ‘C’. Vitamin C is considered an as best anti-aging, antioxidant, and rejuvenating nutrient.

What happens when sour-tasting foods are consumed in excess?

Excess consumption of sour foods causes tingling of teeth. Our expressions look funny when we eat tangy-tasting food like we squeeze our eyes and eyebrows involuntarily till that taste passes off our tongue.

  • When Tangy-tasting foods or foods with amla rasa are consumed in excess, pitta, Kapha, and rakta dhatu (blood) get vitiated. This leads to heartburn, acidity, and discomfort in the chest. Persons with stomach and duodenal ulcers should never eat sour foods.
  • Sour foods when consumed in excess drain the strength of tissues, cause giddiness and temporary loss of vision. They reduce the moistness of tissues and make them dry.
  • Increased consumption of amla rasa can cause itching on the skin and scalp. They trigger the flaring up of psoriasis, acne, and pimple. They also increase wrinkles on the skin. These foods may cause hair loss.
  • Sour foods are a strict no to persons who suffer from genital herpes, oral herpes, or herpes zoster as they increase the frequency of outbreaks.
  • Swelling, small boils may appear on skin surfaces when these foods are consumed in large quantities.
  • Increased thirst and body temperature are other symptoms that appear when sour foods are consumed in excess.
  • Anemia, eczema, diarrhea, and increased mucus secretion in the lungs are other untoward effects of sour-tasting foods when consumed in excess.

Lemon, pomegranate, and Amla or Indian gooseberry are exceptional fruits that are not harmful. But lemon should be used with caution.

( WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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