Ayurveda Pitta Dosha , Its Types, Pitta Diet, Pitta Balancing

Pitta dosha helps in food metabolism. It gives strength to the eyes to visualize objects and maintains body temperature, enhancing the complexion and pigments of skin and hair.

Related article Ayurveda Tridosha Theory for Diagnosis of Diseases

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What is Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda ?

Functions of Pitta

Types of pitta

Ayurvedic Diet for Pitta Dosha

What is Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda?

According to the principles of Ayurveda functions of the human body and mind are mainly regulated by three energetic forces or tridosha. They are Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. Any imbalance in these doshas causes disease.

Pitta dosha is the one, which regulates body metabolism and helps to maintain body temperature. It is made of 5 fundamental elements or panchamahabhuta of which fire and water are dominant. It’s sharp and hot in nature. Pitta dosha is like hot liquid lava. It gives light, increases temperature, and also flows. Hence pitta cooks or metabolizes the food we eat gives strength to the eyes to visualize objects and maintains body temperature, enhances complexion and pigments of skin and hair. Pitta dosha will be in a balanced condition if Vata dosha is balanced.

Functions of Pitta

The functions of pitta dosha are dependent on its site and location.

Digestion and metabolism:

Pitta is very important in the digestion of food. It not only happens in the digestive system but also continues as metabolism at the cellular level. All enzymes, hormones that help in digestion and metabolism can be collectively called pitta. Pitta helps to digest food and liberate energy.

Pitta dosha initiates hunger and thirst.

Maintaining Body Temperature:

As said earlier pitta is a hot liquid. It moves all over the body and keeps it warm.

Helps to maintain normal vision:

Pitta is glowing liquid fire. The presence of pitta in the eyes helps to view the objects as vision needs light.

Skin and Pitta Dosha

The skin contains liquid pigments like melanin and we feel the warmth through the skin. Hence skin is closely associated with pitta dosha. The glow of skin, complexion, and skin health is directly related to this dosha.

Pitta dosha and Mind:

Since Pitta dosha throws light, it clears darkness in the mind. It kindles knowledge, boosts intelligence, instills courage and fearlessness.

Types of pitta

Ayurveda acharyas have classified pitta based on its location or site and its function. There are five types of pitta

  1. Pachaka Pitta
  2. Ranjaka Pitta
  3. Sadhaka Pitta
  4. Alochaka Pitta
  5. Bhrajaka Pitta

Pachaka Pitta

Pachana means digestion. The pitta which helps in digestion, transformation, and liberation of energy is pachaka pitta. This type of pitta is located between the stomach or amashaya and the large intestine or pakwashaya. It is also known as anala or agni or jataragni or fire which cooks food. Pachaka pitta is dominant over all other pitta and influences the remaining 4 types of pitta.

When food is properly digested, it nourishes 7 body tissues or 7 dhatus. ( 7 dhatus from rakta dhatu or blood to shukra dhatu or semen).

Any imbalance in this type of pitta causes indigestion, accumulation of toxins, nausea, vomiting, variation in blood sugar level (diabetes), and other digestive system and metabolism-related health issues. An ayurvedic liver detox helps to remove the accumulation of toxins or ama.

Ranjaka Pitta

Ranjana means giving color. This type of pitta enhances the nutrients and color of rakta dhatu or blood by metabolizing nutrients of rasa dhatu or lymph. It also gives color to stools and urine.

Imbalance of ranjaka pitta can cause anemia, jaundice, etc

Sadhaka Pitta

Sadhaka pitta helps to live a purposeful life. It influences mental functions such as knowledge, intelligence, self-consciousness, etc. It is located in hrudaya. The word Hrudaya is applicable to both heart and brain.

When sadhaka pitta is thrown out of balance a person may experience various psychological symptoms.

Alochaka Pitta –

The site of Alochaka pitta is eyes. It helps in vision and the way we visualize the object.

The imbalance of alochaka pitta can affect vision.

Bhrajaka Pitta –

Pitta which is present in the skin is Bhrajaka pitta. It maintains skin color, skin health, pigments of skin, glow, and aura. An ayurvedic skin detox at home helps to keep bhrajaka pitta in balance.

The imbalance of bhrajaka pitta can cause acne, pimple, psoriasis, eczema, dark circles etc.

If pachaka pitta is balanced all other 4 types of pitta get balanced. Hence, we should always eat foods that keep pachaka pitta in a balanced condition. Always follow dinacaharya or ayurvedic daily routine and rutucharya or ayurvedic seasonal routine. Detox your body at regular intervals.

Ayurvedic Diet for Pitta Dosha

Persons with pitta dosha have to eat body cooling foods and avoid foods that increase body heat.  Here is the list of foods you can consume when you have pitta constitution

Ayurvedic diet for pitta

Oils :

Butter, coconut oil, and ghee


Ripe Jackfruit, sweet Draksha or Grapes, dates (kharjura), Amla (Indian gooseberry), Sweet apple, sweet grapes, Apricots, sweet Berries, Guava, ripe sweet mangoes, watermelon, Papaya, sweet orange, Pears, Plums (sweet), Prunes,  Ripe Falsa fruit


Sugarcane juice (ikshu), Jaggery,


Mung beans, Mung dal, Moth bean, lotus seeds , Pinto beans, Black beans, Kidney beans,   White beans, Soy milk, Tofu, Soybeans Soy cheese,


In general madhura rasa or sweet and kashaya rasa or astringent and tikta rasa or bitter-tasting vegetables pacify pitta.  Dandelion, Kale, Lettuce, Asparagus, carrot, green beans,  Pumpkin, Taro root, Wheatgrass, sprouts, cooked beets, fresh Corn, Cucumber, Parsley, sweet Potatoes, lotus seed, bitter gourd or karela


Fennel seeds, turmeric, coriander, etc


Neem, chirata , rose, bhumyamalaki , Shringataka etc

Flowers to wear

Lotus, jasmine, rose

Dry Fruits and Seeds

Almond (soaked and peeled), Raisins, prunes, Psyllium, Sunflower

Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

(WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

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