Dates with Milk ( Vrishya Ksheera )-Benefits

Dates or khajoor with milk are known as vrishya ksheera or aphrodisiac milk in Ayurveda . This has combined benefits of khajur and milk.

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Dates with Milk an Ayurveda Vajikarana Food

How to Make Khajoor Milk

Dry Dates and Milk Benefits:

Benefits of Dates ( Khajoor) and Milk at Night

Dates with Milk an Ayurveda Vajikarana Food

Texts of Ayurveda recommend processing milk with numerous aphrodisiac herbs and fruits as a medicine to increase the strength and stamina of men. Such milk preparations are known as Vrishya ksheera. In Sanskrit Vrishya means aphrodisiac and ksheera means milk. These recipes are recommended as Vajikarana foods for men who suffer from klaibya or erectile dysfunction or impotence, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, and low sperm volume. Herbs that have both Vajikarana and Rasayana properties are used in these recipes. The milk thus processed with these herbs helps as anti-aging. It also helps to increase sexual energy in men. Regular consumption of this milk helps in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, low sperm count, and low sperm motility. The health benefits of this aphrodisiac milk are enhanced when they are consumed with cooked rice, sugar, and ghee.

The milk and dates recipe is also an aphrodisiac milk recipe (vajikarana milk recipe) and is very easy to prepare and herbs are easily available in ayurvedic shops. Here is the recipe.

How to Make Khajoor Milk (Dates Milk)

Date fruits – 25 gms ( Check 7 Best Soft Dates or Khajur Available Online in India )
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)- 25 gms
Raisins : 25 gms
Yashti madhu (Liquorice or licorice or Glycyrrhiza glabra): 25 gms
Seeds of Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) – 25 gms
Black gram (urad dal) – 25 gms

Mix all the ingredients and cook with 1 liter of water until 250 ml of water remains. Add 300 ml of milk and boil till water evaporates and milk remains. Filter this milk into a container with help of a clean thin cloth. This can be consumed with sugar or powdered sugar candies and rice. Or else it can be consumed without rice. This milk is also advised as a diet for men who are undergoing Vajikarana Therapy.


  •  Diabetes patients can consume this milk without sugar and can use broken wheat instead of rice. Diabetic patients have to use around 2 dates per day.
  • Consume this milk when it is fresh. If you leave for a long time it may become sour.

Benefits of Dates ( Khajoor) and Milk at Night

Khajoor and milk in Ayurveda are very popular combinations. They recommend this wonderful fruit and milk at bedtime for ED. The Health Benefits of this vajikarana milk are innumerable and it is considered Vajikarana Food.

These fruits of palm trees are known as Kharjura in Sanskrit. The medicinal properties and health benefits of these fruits are eulogized by Ayurveda scholars.

According to the principles of Ayurveda, these desert fruits are sweet (madhura rasa ) to taste and increase the moistness of body tissues. These fruits are heavy to digest and meanwhile, they balance pitta dosha and Vata dosha and also act as a body coolant.

Helpful in Erectile dysfunction.

Ayurveda acharyas recommend this fruit in vajikarana therapy. Many ayurvedic preparations which are used as Ayurveda remedies for erectile dysfunction contain these delicious fruits. The Vajikarana food “Ayurveda Vrishya Ksheera” is one of them. These fruits are rich in potassium. Erectile dysfunction can occur in potassium deficiency and also when there is an imbalance between levels of sodium and potassium. These Potassium-rich fruits help men to overcome these conditions effectively.

Relieves Constipation

these are high in fiber content and thus relieve constipation as they are rich in fibers. They normalize bowel movements and make evacuation of stools easy. Consume 5-10 of these fruits daily to address constipation.

Sperm boosting fruits

According to the ayurvedic text “Bhava Prakasha”, Kharjura are known to function as “Shukrala” (the herbs which increase shukra dhatu or semen). The nutrient-rich fruit help to increase the quality and quantity of semen. They help to boost sperm volume, sperm count, and sperm motility.

Helps to Increase Blood or Hb% in pregnancy

Anemia causes loss of strength and low energy levels. This affects the performance of men in bed and also it may cause infertility or low sperm quality. These fruits are excellent sources of iron. People who have a tendency to get anemia can consume these desert fruits regularly to prevent this condition. In Arabic native medicine pregnant women are encouraged to eat these daily and this regimen is strictly followed for a few months even after delivery. Consuming these fruits during pregnancy helps in three ways. It prevents the occurrence of anemia and eases delivery pains. It reduces bleeding after delivery. This combination also helps to increase female sexual arousal. Hence this is the best ayurvedic treatment to increase female libido

In Arthritis, Cystitis, acidity, and diarrhea

Arthritis, Cystitis, acidity, and diarrhea can debilitate men. The pain and loss of energy can make a man impotent. These fruits help in all these conditions. Fully ripe kharjura are a good source of potassium which ease joint pain. They act as a body coolant and soothe the inner layers of the bladder in cystitis. The alkaline nature of these fruits helps in pacifying pitta and reduces discomfort caused due to acidity.

Dry Dates and Milk Benefits:

When there is a nonavailability of the softer ones, a dry version of these fruits can be used. But these dried ones have to be soaked in milk for an hour and then can be boiled in milk. Dry versions of these fruits have to be thoroughly washed before soaking. Do not leave this for more than an hour.

Dates and Milk for weight gain

These fruits are very high in calories. Increased calories help to gain a healthy weight. This milk recipe is recommended in Ayurveda weight gain therapy or brimhana therapy. For a healthy weight gain eat around 10 to 15 fruits of kharjura every day with a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of ghee.

Health Benefits of Milk.

Texts of Ayurveda laud the properties of this milk.

According to the principles of Ayurveda milk is generally sweet and increases the moistness and greasiness of body tissues. It has a cooling effect on the body. Consumption of milk increases lactation. It refreshes the body and mind. Milk nourishes the body and is believed to be a complete food. Daily consumption of milk increases libido, quality, and quantity of semen and helps in erectile dysfunction. It helps to boost memory power and strengthens the mind. Milk acts as an instant energizer and relieves thirst. The symptoms of bronchitis and cough get reduced by the continuous use of milk. Persons suffering from gout benefit from regular consumption of milk. It accelerates wound healing.

Thus the combination of dates and milk is not only an elixir for men but also helps women to gain back their strength.

WhatsApp or email Dr.Savitha Suri @, + 91 6360108663/ to know more about ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction

Author : Dr. Savitha Suri Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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