Shilajit Uses for PCOS, Erectile Dysfunction and Weight Loss

Ayurveda recommends Shilajit for men and women. It is used in ayurvedic treatments for PCOS or PCOD, weight loss, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. It boosts immunity.

Related article Ayurvedic Vajikarana Herbs for Energy, Stamina and Strength

Table of content

About Shilajit

Helps in the Management of Body Weight

Management of Weight Loss

Helps in Diabetes

Useful in PCOS or PCOD

Useful in Erectile Dysfunction and Premature ejaculation

Boosts Memory, Immunity, and Body strength

Helps in Cystitis, UTI, and Kidney Stones

Relieves Joint Pain

Useful in Digestive Disorders

strengthens respiratory system

Enhances skin health and glow

Shilajit in ayurveda

What you should not eat when you are consuming shilajit?

About Shilajit

The sun rays of Greeshma Ritu or the summer season warm up the boulders of the Himalayan Mountains. A thick, sticky, tar-like substance comes out of these boulders. This is known as Shilajit or Shilajitu. This is mainly found in the Himalayas and Tibet mountains, Caucasus Mountains, Altai Mountains, and the mountains of Gilgit .

Shilajit is a herbo-mineral compound. According to Ayurveda when mountains get warmed due to strong rays of the sun during summer, they ooze a thick semisolid black resin-type substance. This is known as Shilajit. Since it has its origin in shila or stones, it is “shila – jit”

Renowned for its powerful health-enhancing properties, this miraculous substance, originating from the rocky terrain of the Himalayas, is one that has held a significant place in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Known to us as ‘shilajit’, its black, tar-like consistency contains a unique combination of minerals, fulvic acid, and humic substances that are seldom found elsewhere. The profound benefits attributed to it are what makes it a remarkable natural supplement.

Ingesting this resinous substance may contribute to an individual’s overall well-being by boosting their body’s immunity, cognitive abilities, and energy levels. A significant portion of its beneficial properties can be attributed to its rich fulvic acid content. This specific component acts as an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, enhancing cellular function and mitigating cellular damage. Furthermore, its rare mineral content, particularly trace elements such as selenium, can contribute to its potential to improve various bodily functions and aid in the process of detoxification.

Moreover, the mystery of this amazing compound extends to its role in promoting longevity. Its potency in rejuvenating cells and delaying the aging process is often praised in traditional medicine. Despite being known for its plethora of health advantages, this wonder of nature is not without potential drawbacks. Possible side effects, such as allergy or intolerance, warrant careful and regulated usage of the substance. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult a healthcare provider before incorporating it into one’s diet.

In conclusion, the richness of nature embodied in this single substance represents the true potency of natural healing. It serves as a testament to the healing power of nature, offering a beacon of hope to individuals seeking natural ways to bolster their health and vitality. Indeed, the mystery and power of this substance reminds us that nature often holds the most effective remedies to our health concerns.

Ayurveda acharyas in Bhavaprakasha and Shushruta explain the medicinal properties of shilajit as follows

Helps in the Management of Body Weight

With obesity becoming a global concern, natural substances are increasingly being researched for their potential in weight management. Among these, a mineral-rich resin originating from the Himalayan mountains, has shown promise. This blackish-brown substance, also known as shilajit, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

This herbomineral compound is used as an ingredient in ayurvedic Herbal Weight loss capsules and also in ayurvedic Capsules for PCOS, which are used in female infertility due to PCOS or PCOD.

Since it balances kapha, this compound is a powerful fat burner and directs acts on medha dhatu or body fat. It helps to scrap your body fat and boost fat metabolism. It acts as a potent weight-loss agent.

This herbomineral drug is used along with triphala (amla (Indian gooseberry), haritaki and Vibhitaki) to treat obesity or to promote weight loss.

Researchers believe it may contribute to weight loss due to its fulvic acid content. Fulvic acid is known to increase the basal metabolic rate (BMR), helping the body to burn more calories at rest. This, in turn, can assist in reducing excess weight. Moreover, it can also improve the body’s digestive processes, which aids in the efficient breakdown and assimilation of nutrients, thereby preventing unnecessary weight gain.

An experimental study published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food” in 2012 demonstrated these effects. It was found that oral administration of the resin reduced body weight in obese rats, suggesting its potential use in weight management.

In addition, it has been suggested that this substance can influence lipid metabolism, aiding in the breakdown and removal of unwanted fats from the body. Given these findings, it’s clear that shilajit holds promising potential for those seeking natural weight management solutions.

Helps in Diabetes

Ayurveda acharyas advise using this in diabetes along with other anti-diabetic herbs like Karela, Jambu, Kiratatikta, meshashringi, beejaka, methi (fenugreek seeds) or methika etc). Due to its properties like anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, adaptogen, etc, it helps in the treatment of diabetes. Since this acts as an aphrodisiac it is also helpful in ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction due to diabetes.

This natural substance, traditionally known for its panacea-like properties, has been studied for its potential role in managing diabetes. Its unique composition, rich in fulvic acid and a spectrum of minerals, may enhance the body’s response to blood sugar levels, helping those grappling with this chronic illness.

Research indicates that the substance potentially has a hypoglycemic effect, meaning it can lower blood sugar levels. A study published in the International Journal of Ayurveda Research reported that the consistent use of this natural supplement led to significant reductions in blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. Furthermore, it was found to improve the lipid profile, an essential factor considering the risk of cardiovascular diseases often accompanying diabetes.

The effectiveness of this Ayurvedic gem, however, extends beyond glycemic control. It may help counteract the chronic fatigue often associated with diabetes, thanks to its energy-enhancing properties. Importantly, due to the potential side effects and interaction with other medications, any decision to include it in a diabetes management regimen should be under the strict guidance of a healthcare professional.

Reference: Trivedi, N. A., Mazumdar, B., Bhatt, J. D., & Hemavathi, K. G. (2004). Effect of Shilajit on blood glucose and lipid profile in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 36(6), 373.

Helps in PCOS or PCOD

PCOS or PCOD is the main cause of female infertility. Women who suffer from polycystic Ovarian Syndrome suffer from weight gain and increased blood glucose levels.  Since shilajit aids in Weight loss and blood sugar level control, it effectively controls the formation of cysts in ovaries. Hence this drug is used in ayurvedic treatment for PCOS or PCOD. Ayurveda vaidyas recommend using this herb along with turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, bitter gourd (karela), ashoka, Lodhra, etc. This is also used in female libido problems.

One study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2018 does suggest that Shilajit might have potential benefits on metabolic syndrome, which often coexists with PCOS. The study found that Shilajit supplementation improved function of the pancreas and reduced oxidative stress in patients with metabolic syndrome. However, it’s important to note that metabolic syndrome and PCOS, are interconnected.

Additionally, due to its high mineral content and purported adaptogenic properties, Shilajit is sometimes suggested as a supplement to improve overall vitality and reduce fatigue, which could indirectly benefit those with PCOS.

In Erectile Dysfunction and Premature ejaculation

For many, the struggle with erectile dysfunction or klaibya can be daunting, but nature has provided an intriguing solution in the form of a tar-like substance derived from the rocky terrains of the Himalayas. This substance’s unique composition, rich in fulvic acid and minerals, has shown promising results in supporting men’s sexual health. It is used as ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction in many ayurvedic formulations.

This compound helps to correct male infertility. It improves sperm count and boosts motility. This can be the best ayurvedic remedy for erectile dysfunction. Since it controls blood sugar levels and also aids weight loss, it can be used in men who suffer from erectile dysfunction due to diabetes and erectile dysfunction due to obesity. This can be administered in men who suffer from oligospermia or low sperm count. The ayurvedic herbal preparations which are used in Ayurveda Vajikarana Therapy to boost men’s sexual health usually include shilajit as an ingredient. Shilajit helps to strengthen shukra dhatu, which in turn helps to boost testosterone levels.

For sexual disorders in men, this is used along with vidarikand, ashwagandha, gokshura (tribulus), Kapikacchu (mucuna), Safed musli, shatavari etc.

Evidence from scientific studies suggests that it can significantly improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction. A study conducted by J.B. Roy State Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital in India supports this claim, where they reported a significant improvement in the total testosterone, free testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) in men after consistently consuming this substance for 90 days (Pandit et al., 2016). These hormones are essential for maintaining libido, enhancing sexual performance, and improving overall men’s sexual health.

Additionally, its high fulvic acid content is known to boost energy and reduce stress levels, both of which can indirectly help alleviate symptoms of erectile dysfunction. However, while this ancient remedy presents a potential natural treatment, it’s critical to approach it with caution. Always consult a healthcare professional before integrating any new supplement into your routine.

Pandit, S., Biswas, S., Jana, U., De, R. K., Mukhopadhyay, S. C., & Biswas, T. K. (2016). Clinical evaluation of purified Shilajit on testosterone levels in healthy volunteers. Andrologia, 48(5), 570-575.

This herbomineral substance helps in BPH or Prostate enlargement. Ayurveda vaidyas use this dravya while treating low testosterone levels.

It boosts Memory, Immunity, and Body strength.

This drug is eulogized for its immunity-boosting properties and got the name Rasayana. It is used as an ingredient in many chyavanprash preparations which helps to boost immunity. It slows down the aging process.

Well-known for its numerous health benefits, this potent substance has a notable place in boosting the body’s natural defense system. The active components of the resinous substance are significant for supporting and enhancing immunity. Specifically, fulvic acid, which is abundantly present in it, performs a crucial role in this context.

Fulvic acid, a potent antioxidant, can neutralize harmful free radicals that cause cellular damage, reducing oxidative stress, a common contributor to chronic illnesses. Moreover, it enhances the absorption of nutrients, making it easier for the body to retain essential vitamins and minerals, thereby contributing to an overall robust immune system.

Interestingly, a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2019) supports these claims. The research indicates that consistent and regulated consumption of this resinous compound leads to an increase in the body’s production of immune cells, thereby boosting the immune response.

However, despite its numerous health advantages, it is essential to remember that any supplement should be incorporated into a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. This compound’s power lies in its capacity to support and strengthen the body’s natural functions, and should not be viewed as a standalone solution to health issues. As always, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before integrating it into your routine.

It is helpful for men who want to strengthen their muscles through bodybuilding. It is recommended along with ashwagandha and Tribulus or gokshura.

Texts of Ayurveda stress the fact that it increases medha (intellect)  and smriti (memory). It can be used as an ayurvedic memory booster or brain tonic.

Helps in Cystitis, UTI, and Kidney Stones

Shilajit is recommended in ayurvedic treatment for cystitis, UTI, and kidney stones. Usually, it is used along with decoctions of Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa ) and Gokshura (Tribulus)

Studies have suggested that the diuretic properties of this resinous substance contribute to preventing the formation of kidney stones. By enhancing urine production, it aids in the flushing out of toxins and waste, including excess minerals that can potentially form these painful stones. The resultant increased urinary output not only minimizes stone formation but also helps in their possible expulsion, if present.

In terms of cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder, this natural remedy provides symptomatic relief, primarily due to its renowned anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Its capacity to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, coupled with its ability to soothe the inflamed urinary tract lining, makes it an effective natural remedy for cystitis.

In a study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2016), the potent anti-urolithiatic effect of shilajit was highlighted, further supporting its potential role in preventing and treating kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Relieves Joint Pain:

A distinctive remedy from the Ayurvedic tradition, shilajit has gained recognition for its unique medicinal properties, including its positive effects on joint health. This black, resinous substance is known for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, both of which can play a vital role in managing joint pain and inflammation.

This can be applied externally on painful swollen joints to get rid of pain and swelling. When administered internally it helps to reduce joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout.

One of the key active components in this miraculous compound is fulvic acid, which possesses powerful antioxidant properties. Research suggests that oxidative stress can contribute to the development of inflammatory conditions, including those affecting the joints (Bhattacharyya et al., 2009). By combating oxidative stress, the fulvic acid present may mitigate inflammation, thus offering potential relief to those suffering from joint pain.

Furthermore, this natural substance can aid in the maintenance of healthy bones and joints. Its rich mineral content, including trace elements, can potentially improve bone density and health, providing a natural remedy for joint-related concerns.

While the use of this compound may offer substantial health benefits, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before its use, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions. Although the scientific community continues to study this compound, the early research indicates its potential as an effective natural solution for joint health.

Bhattacharyya S, Pal D, Gupta AK, et al. Beneficial effect of processed shilajit on swimming exercise induced impaired energy status of mice. Pharmacologyonline. 2009;1:817-825.

Useful in Digestive Disorders:

The remarkable substance, known for its beneficial properties throughout centuries of Ayurvedic practices, plays a significant role in managing digestive disorders. The tar-like substance, shilajit, contains a wealth of minerals and fulvic acid, both crucial components in improving gut health and digestion. It can potentially aid with disorders such as gastritis, constipation, and indigestion.

According to texts of ayurveda, this compound helps in indigestion, colic pain, piles (hemorrhoids), and jaundice and to eliminate intestinal parasites.

Its potent antioxidant properties have been known to protect the gastrointestinal tract from oxidative stress, thereby minimizing inflammation and assisting in repairing damage. Furthermore, the fulvic acid present has been suggested to aid nutrient absorption and consequently improve overall digestion. By promoting the balance and proliferation of beneficial gut flora, this natural substance can potentially enhance gut health, thus mitigating a myriad of related disorders.

In a study published in the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” (2016), researchers found that this tar-like compound exhibits protective effects against gastric ulcers, further cementing its potential use in handling digestive conditions. However, it is crucial to note that while the substance can be used as a supplement, it should not be used as a replacement for professional medical treatment.

Joukar, S., Najafipour, H., Dabiri, S., Sheibani, M., & Sharokhi, N. (2016). Protective effect of shilajit on gastric ulcer in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 189, 152-160.

Disorders of the Circulatory System:

Various studies have shown that shilajit helps to reduce levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Hence Ayurveda acharyas call it hridya or heart-friendly. Shilajit also helps to lose weight. Hence shilajit is used in  Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules to aid weight loss and prevent other problems of obesity.

Recognized for its extensive health benefits, this natural resin known as ‘shilajit’ is believed to possess potential benefits for the circulatory system. Primarily, its high fulvic acid content helps in the transport of nutrients and minerals into the cells, facilitating overall better circulation. By enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients and promoting their efficient utilization, it is believed to assist in maintaining the health and efficiency of the circulatory system.

Moreover, studies suggest its potential role in mitigating high blood pressure, a prevalent circulatory system disorder. Its inherent properties are thought to work by improving heart function and reducing systemic inflammation, contributing to better cardiovascular health. Therefore, the use of this resin could be a promising adjunctive strategy in managing circulatory disorders, alongside traditional medical treatments.

One research study titled “Shilajit: A panacea for high-altitude problems” published in the International Journal of Ayurveda Research in 2010, explores the potential of shilajit in treating hypoxia, an issue related to blood circulation often faced by people at high altitudes. They suggest that it could improve the body’s ability to acclimate to low oxygen levels, further hinting at its role in aiding circulatory function.

Strengthens respiratory system:

Shilajit helps with chronic cough, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It strengthens the lungs and boosts their immunity.

Recognized as a potent adaptogen in traditional medicine, shilajit is known to potentially provide therapeutic effects in various respiratory disorders. Its complex composition of fulvic acid, humic substances, and diverse minerals offers an array of benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects, making it a potential remedy for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Specifically, the anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate inflammation in the respiratory tract, often a prominent issue in these disorders. Its antioxidant potential helps in counteracting oxidative stress, a contributing factor in many respiratory diseases. Additionally, its immunomodulatory effect might assist in moderating the immune response, preventing overreaction that could exacerbate respiratory conditions.

Furthermore, it has been suggested to improve physical performance and endurance, which could indirectly support respiratory health by enhancing the efficiency of oxygen utilization and energy production in the body. Although research is ongoing, initial results suggest that incorporating this adaptogenic substance might offer relief in respiratory ailments.

Surapaneni, D.K., Adapa, S.R., Preeti, K., Teja, G.R., Veeraragavan, M., & Krishnamurthy, S. (2012). Shilajit attenuates behavioral symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome by modulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and mitochondrial bioenergetics in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 143(1), 91–99.

Enhances skin health and glow:

This resinous substance harvested from the steep cliffs of the Himalayas offers several potential benefits for skin health. Primarily, its rich fulvic acid content makes it a potent antioxidant, neutralizing harmful free radicals that contribute to skin aging. As a result, regular and controlled intake could potentially lead to improved skin elasticity and a reduction in visible signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Additionally, the unique blend of minerals and organic compounds found in the substance can aid in skin detoxification. By promoting the elimination of toxins from the skin, it may contribute to a healthier complexion and reduced occurrence of acne and skin blemishes. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties can alleviate symptoms of various skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, offering a natural way to soothe irritated skin.

One study backing these claims was published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Bhattacharyya et al., 2009) which examined the anti-aging potential of the substance and demonstrated its significant antioxidant activity.

The consumption of shilajit detoxifies skin and improves skin glow.  It is helpful for persons who have acne and pimple. Ayurvedic preparations which are administered to treat psoriasis, dry-skin, eczema, etc., contain shilajit as the main ingredient.

 Shilajit in ayurveda

Texts of Ayurveda explain the medicinal properties of shilajit as follows

shilajit uses

Shilajit is light to digest (laghu) and reduces the moistness of body tissues (rooksha). It has pungent tastes (katu rasa), bitter (tikta rasa) and astringent (Kashaya rasa). Shilajit has hot potency (ushna veerya) and increases body heat. Shilajit balances Kapha dosha.

Various Sanskrit names have been coined based on their origin in mountains.

  1. Shilajatu – The one which originates from rock.
  2. Girija – the substance which is available in the mountains
  3. Shailaniryasa – an exudate from rock
  4. Ashmaja – the one which has taken birth from rock.

Colors of Shilajit –

This compound attains various colors based on its mineral content.

Souvarna : This has gold molecules in it and looks reddish in color

Rajata : This has silver content and looks pale

Taamra : has copper content and usually has a blue tinge.

Aayasa : It is mixed with minerals of iron and looks dark.

Usually the Aayasa type of shilajit has the highest medicinal properties and is considered the best.

Purification of Shilajit:

Shilajit is purified by two methods.

  1. Suryataapi – by heating in scorching sunlight and this method is considered as the best.
  2. Agnitaapi -Another method is to purify by heating on fire.

This herbomineral substance has to be used only after purification. Pure shilajit always dissolves in warm water without leaving any residue.

Various research (1) have shown that shilajit contains active ingredients like fulvic acids, dibenzo alpha pyrones, humins, humic acids, trace minerals, vitamins A, B complex, C, and P (citrines), phospholipids, and polyphenol complexes, terpenoids. Also present are microelements like cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese, chrome, iron, magnesium, and others.

What you should not eat when you are consuming shilajit?

Never use heavy foods like jack fruit, soybean, black gram, or Urad dal, etc.

Never ever use horse gram with shilajit

Avoid too much hot and spicy food.

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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