Banana Ayurveda Medicinal Properties Uses and Benefits

According to Ayurveda banana balances Vata dosha and pitta dosha but increases Kapha dosha. Its medicinal properties help in treating impotence, male infertility, and low weight.

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Banana in Ayurveda

Ayurveda Properties, Uses and  Health Benefits

Ayurveda Health Benefits of Raw banana

Ayurveda Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Ripe Banana

Health Benefits of Stem

Banana in Ayurveda

This plant is known as “Kadali” in Sanskrit. The fruit is known as “kadali phala”. Fruits, stems, and flowers are regularly used in south Indian cuisine.

This is the largest herbaceous flowering plant. This plant grows 6 to 7.5 meters tall. This herb belongs to the genus “musa”. The plant has a soft pseudostem and spirally arranged long leaves. Leaves may grow 2.5 meters long and ½ meters wide.

It has other synonyms like

  • Sanskrit – Mocha , Ambusara, Amsumati, and Rambha
  • English – Banana
  • Kannada – Baalehannu
  • Hindi – Kela
  • Marathi – Keli
  • Tamil – Vaalai
  • Malayalam – Pazham / Vazha Pazham
  • Bengali: Kollaa
  • Telugu: Arati Pandu

Ayurveda Properties, Uses, and  Health Benefits of Banana

Acharya Bhava Prakasha explains the medicinal properties and uses of this fruit as follows.

banana ayurveda

Banana has madhura rasa or a sweet taste. It is cold in potency (sheeta veerya) and heavy to digest (guru). It increases the moistness of tissues.

Ayurveda Health Benefits of Raw banana

Raw banana is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. It contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Vitamins A, B, C, B-6, etc are also available in plenty. Potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure. There is a strong link between hypertension or high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. As potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure, it also helps in klaibya or erectile dysfunction (Ayurvedic remedies for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation).  Recent studies have shown that calcium is needed for sperm motility. This green-stage fruit is an ideal food for men to keep their sexual life healthy and active.

Can cause Constipation:

Raw ones cause constipation. Hence when you use these drink plenty of water and use spices like cumin seeds, coriander, coconut, etc to improve digestion.

Helps with Gout and Herpes

It increases Kapha. But pacifies diseases that arise due to an imbalance of rakta dhatu or blood. (Vitiation or imbalance of rakta dhatu can cause increased uric acid levels in blood or gout, herpes,  genital herpes, oral herpes, acne, and pimple.

Reduces thirst and acidity

Cooked raw fruits help to reduce thirst in fever. It also reduces the burning sensation in acidity.

Increases body bulk and strength

Cooked green fruits help to increase body weight and boost body strength.

Ayurveda Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Ripe Banana

Ripe fruits remain sweet throughout digestion.

Acts as Aphrodisiac or vrushya

This fruit is recommended by Ayurveda acharyas to address erectile dysfunction and increase sperm count, sperm motility, and libido. It is recommended in the diet for oligospermia and female low libido.

These fruits contain an enzyme called bromelain which is known to help boost testosterone levels. They boost energy level and provide plenty of anti-oxidants.

These fruits contain calcium in good amounts. Through research, it has been found that calcium helps to increase sperm motility. Banana is an ideal food for men to keep their sexual life healthy and active. Ayurveda vaidyas usually advise their patients to consume this fruit as vajikarana food.

Very useful in Gain Weight (brumhana).

Persons who have low body weight can use this fruit. A ripe banana has a high glycemic index (madhura rasa ) and also contains plenty of carbohydrates. It contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Vitamins A, B, C, B-6, etc are also available in plenty. These nutrients strengthen the bone and the presence of iron helps to boost the production of hemoglobin. This helps persons who suffer from low body weight and anemia.

Helps with High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure occurs due to high sodium levels and low potassium levels. Ripe banana contains plenty of potassium. This helps to balance sodium-potassium levels and reduce hypertension or high blood pressure. There is a strong link between hypertension or high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. As potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure, it also helps in erectile dysfunction. This fruit reduces the risk of stroke.

Relieves Constipation:

Banana has rich fiber content. This helps to increase bowel movement. Thus people who suffer from constipation are highly benefit by the consumption of this fruit. High fiber and iron content, make this fruit an ideal snack item for pregnant ladies. This prevents constipation which arises due to pregnancy.

Useful in Cystitis and UTI

This fruit soothes the inner layers of the bladder and acts as a urinary coolant. Hence it is recommended for cystitis and UTI . The fruit is used in herbal preparations for bedwetting in children.

Other Health Benefits of Ripe Banana

Apart from these benefits banana acts as a brain tonic and help to boost memory power. It calms the nervous system and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

Ripe bananas are ideal food for infants. Face mask (Benefits of Natural Ayurvedic Herbal Face Pack) of ripe mashed banana helps to rejuvenate skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

This fruit help to supply required vitamins and minerals to smokers who are trying to quit smoking (Relation Between Smoking and Erectile Dysfunction in Men). The craving for nicotine is reduced by the consumption of this wonderful fruit.

Banana contains Tryptophan which can help to alleviate one’s emotional situation, due to its cooling traits. In India, the banana is thought to be a ‘cooling fruit’  and it can help to reduce both the corporal and cerebral warmth of expectant mothers. When pregnant women consume bananas regularly it helps them to keep their baby cool and it also regulates pregnancy mood swings. This fruit is helpful to reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Banana is a storehouse for iron. It helps to fight anemia in pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

This fruit contains Vitamin B and B6 which help to calm down irritated nerves and also control blood sugar levels. Hangovers can be effectively controlled by consuming bananas.

Health Benefits of Banana Stem

  1. The stem of this plant is high in fiber. Hence when used in salads help in good bowel movement and relieves constipation.
  2. The stem juice is a good diuretic and helps to expel small kidney stones. When mixed with cardamom this juice aids in soothing the bladder and gives relief in Cystitis and UTI.
  3. Consumption of raw stem pieces in the salad helps in obesity by promoting weight loss.
  4. It is also useful in lowering blood cholesterol and blood sugar level in diabetes.

The flowers are useful in diabetes (Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes)  and ulcers. The leaves of this plant are used in nature cure treatments like a mud bath, banana leaf baths, etc. The tender leaves have a cooling and soothing effect when applied to burns.

WhatsApp or email Dr.Savitha Suri @, + 91 6360108663/ to know more about ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

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