Castor Oil for Psoriasis, Dry Skin, Wrinkles and Dark Circles

Castor oil is known as eranda taila or gandharva hastha taila in Ayurveda. It increases the softness of skin, reduces itching, removes dark circles, and accelerates the healing process. Hence it is recommended for psoriasis, dry skin, dark circles, and wrinkles.

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Ayurveda Medicinal properties of castor oil

Health Benefits of Castor Oil – External Use

Health Benefits of Castor Oil – Internal Use

Caution for using Castor Oil

Castor Oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant Ricinus Communis. It is known as Arandi in Hindi and Haralenne in Kannada. Texts of Ayurveda recommend the usage of this oil both internally and externally in various diseases. It has anti-aging and rejuvenating properties. It is regularly used in panchakarma therapy for purgation (virechana).

Ayurveda Medicinal properties of castor oil

Acharya Sushruta explains the medicinal properties of castor oil as follows

Health benefits of castor oil

This oil is spicy to taste (katu rasa) and has a bit of astringent taste (kashaya rasa). After digestion, it gets a sweet taste (madhura rasa). It has a tissue penetrating property (teekshna) and increases body heat (ushna veerya). This oil moves and spreads very quickly in the body (sara). Because of these properties, castor oil penetrates minute channels of the body and eliminates clogged toxins from these channels. Hence it is used in ayurvedic detox therapy.  This oil is heavy to digest (guru). Based on principles of Ayurveda this oil increases moistness (snigdha) and imparts softness to tissues (mrudu) .

Health Benefits of Castor Oil – External Use

Texts of Ayurveda explain many uses of this oil. Here we will discuss the external application and benefits of this oil.

Effect on doshas

Castor oil balances Vata dosha and Kapha Dosha. This is also used to balance pitta dosha by processing with pitta balancing herbs.

Castor oil for skin

Castor oil is eulogized as “twachya” (Skin friendly) and “kantikara” (increases skin glow). Hence it is extremely useful in following skin conditions.

  1. Dry skin and cracked feet.
  2. Dark under eye circles.
  3. Psoriasis
  4. Dry eczema
  5. Dandruff with dry flaky scalp

Since it enters even minute channels, it can be used for body massage (abhyanga). In India, it is still in practice to massage castor oil once a week to the head and whole body.

Castor Oil for Psoriasis:

External application of castor oil is very effective in psoriasis. It reduces itching, softens skin, and heals the wound quickly. Hence an ayurvedic cream for psoriasis and dry skin has castor oil as the main ingredient.  (Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for psoriasis treatment WhatsApp +91 6360108663)

Castor oil for dry skin

Reduces inflammation and itching of skin. :

Castor oil when applied on inflamed and itchy skin quickly reduces the symptoms. It heals the damaged skin and restores its normal color. Hence it is very useful for sunburns, dry skin, and other skin ailments.

Reduces wrinkles and lines of aging:

Castor oil is highly recommended for wrinkles. It is praised as “vayasthapana” (anti-aging). Massage the whole body and face with warm castor oil and leave it for 20 minutes. Later wash it off with shikakai or mild soap. This oil locks the moisture content of skin and makes it wrinkle-free. This is the best ayurvedic remedy for wrinkles.

Dark Circles:

applying castor oil on eyelids and under the eye everyday night helps to get rid of dark circles and also reduces dryness of the eyes. It helps to reduce inflammation of the eyes and induces good sleep.

In rheumatoid arthritis or amavata

This oil is recommended for both internal and external use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis or amavata. It is used in panchakarma treatment for massage.

Castor oil for Hair

Castor oil is very effective in hair loss or hair fall. It even helps to regrow eyebrows. It is best ayurvedic treatment for hair loss.

Benefits of internal use of castor oil:

  1. This oil is recommended to boost memory and concentration (Smrutikara)  improves memory.
  2. Its judicious use improves digestion (deepana)
  3. Acharyas insist to use this oil in ayurvedic treatment of back pain (prushta shoola, guhya shoola , Katigraha)
  4. It is widely used in ayurvedic treatment for gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. This oil is praised for its usefulness in digestive problems like bloating (vatodara), and Constipation (vid bandha).
  6. When used under proper medical supervision it improves immunity (balakara), improves heart health (hrudrogahara).
  7. Castor oil is highly praised as vrushya (aphrodisiac) and used internally during panchakarma (detoxification process) for Vajikarana Chikitsa or Vajikarana Therapy. It helps to improve low sperm count, low sperm motility, and erectile dysfunction.
  8. It is also used to treat diseases of female reproductive system and Benign prostate enlargement (BPH).
  9. It is used in the treatment of haemorrhoids (piles), bronchitis,

Caution for using Castor Oil

CAUTION: This oil has to be used internally under the supervision of a qualified ayurvedic doctor. Never use this oil internally in form of self-medication.

Improper consumption of castor oil causes vomiting, stomach pain, internal bleeding in the digestive system, and other untoward effects. This oil can be used safely as an external application. Medicated castor oil is used in panchakarma therapies. But this oil has to be used internally under the supervision of a qualified ayurvedic doctor.

(Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for psoriasis, dark circles, and arthritis treatment WhatsApp +91 6360108663)

Author : Dr. Savitha Suri Consultant Ayurvedic Physician


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