Health Benefits of Vibhitaki – Bibhitaki -Bahera -Terminalia Bellirica

Vibhitaki or Bibhitaki is an ayurvedic fruit. This fruit has immense health benefits and is used for weight loss, and to normalize vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha.

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Vibhitaki is equipped with many medicinal properties used in treating many diseases. It grows in every region of India to a height of about 60 – 80 feet with large leaves which are about 15 cm long. It has white or pale yellow color flowers.

Ayurveda Acharyas (Bhava Prakaasha) eulogize the medicinal properties, uses, and health benefits of this fruit as follows.

Health Benefits of vibhitaki

Texts of ayurveda eulogize the medicinal properties of this fruit and also recommend to use of this in various health conditions. It is a wonderful herb with potent anti-inflammatory properties. This wonder herb boosts immunity and acts as an excellent detox agent.

Helps in painful Joints and muscles:

This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. The powder of bibhitaki has to be mixed in warm sesame oil. This oil is applied on aching muscles and joints to get relief.

Reduces dryness and inflammation of eyes:

Ayurvedic physicians recommend ghee processed with bibhitaki, amla, and haritaki in treating inflamed and dry eyes.

Soothes Cough, Cold, and Bad throat:

The small bits of the pulp of dry terminalia bellirica fruit have to be fried in pure ghee. These bits have to be chewed slowly to get relief from cough, cold and sore throat.

Helps in  Weight Mangement:

Since this fruit reduces kapha and Medhadhatu (body fat), it is used in weight-reducing ayurvedic preparations. The weight reduction Kit contains herbal preparations which have this fruit as the main ingredient.

Good for Diabetes:

Vibhitaki can be effectively used for diabetes. Since it normalizes kapha and medhas (body fat), which are the main causes of diabetes, it reduces fluctuating blood sugar levels.

Helps in Erectile Dysfunction:

The seeds of this plant are known to have aphrodisiac properties. Hence this fruit is used as an ayurvedic remedy for Klaibya or erectile dysfunction. Due to its weightloss-aiding properties, it can be efficiently used in erectile dysfunction due to obesity. Its blood sugar-controlling properties help to use this herb in erectile dysfunction related to diabetes.

Useful in Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS):

The dry fruit powder of this fruit helps to reduce the increased motility of intestines in IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome). It also helps to reduce the inflammation of the walls of the intestines.

Caution during Pregnancy:

This herb should not be used in excess and pregnant women have to avoid consuming Terminalia Bellirica

Ayurveda and Bibhitaki

It is one of three important healthy fruits or triphala. The other two fruits are Amla (Emblica Officinalis ) and Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula).

According to the principles of Ayurveda, this fruit increases the dryness of tissues and is lite to digest. It has Kashaya Rasa or astringent taste. It gets a sweet (Madhura Rasa) taste after digestion. It is hot in potency (ushna) and boosts metabolism. This fruit normalizes all three doshas and especially reduces kapha.


Vibhitaki fruit is well packed with many medicinal properties that are useful for the various treatment of disorders arising from diabetes, inflammation, obesity, and much more. Preserving and conserving this fruit being one of the major popular fruit in India is very important for the benefit of all. Though efforts have been made to perfect this, which is responsible for its availability everywhere in India, yet more committeemen are still needed to preserve the fruit.

Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 


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