Walnuts for Erectile Dysfunction, Sperm and PCOS- Ayurveda View

Walnuts are beneficial for men in ED and PE, male infertility. These help women in PCOS or PCOD. Ayurveda recommends walnuts for Weight loss and oligospermia.

Related article Best Dry Fruits and Nuts for Erectile Dysfunction or ED or Impotence

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Walnut and Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Medicinal properties of walnut:

Walnuts for Erectile Dysfunction

Walnuts for Diabetes control

Walnuts Increase Sperm Count

Walnuts for PCOS or PCOD

Walnut and Ayurveda

Walnut belongs to the family  Juglandaceae and has the botanical name Juglans regia. It is commonly known by the name akrot in India. Ayurveda acharyas have coined different names for this nut based on its appearance and medicinal properties.  It is Vrintaphala (round-shaped fruit),  Swadu majja (sweet pulped), Gudashraya (hidden in shell and tastes sweet).

Ayurvedic Medicinal properties of walnut:

This nut tastes sweet (madhura rasa), is heavy to digest (guru), and increases the moistness of tissues (snigdha), It increases body heat (ushna veerya), and balances Vata dosha. Fruits, bark and leaves are used for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda.

This nut may imbalance pitta dosha and cause migraine in some. In a few, it may flare up psoriasis.

Ayurveda acharyas eulogize these nuts as “pushtikaraka” which means they nourish body and 7 dhatus (tissues), “Balya” which means it improves immunity, strength, and stamina, “brumhana”- the one which helps to increase body weight. They also recommend using parts of this tree in herpes, acne, skin diseases, and wounds and to cleanse blood (rakta dhatu)

In herpes, walnut bark powder is mixed with ghee or butter and applied over the affected area.

Ayurveda vaidyas recommend internal administration of decoction of leaves in scabies, and ringworm

Decoction of bark is used for oral care

Walnuts are more beneficial for men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and also increase sperm count and sperm motility. Walnuts are also helpful for women with PCOS or PCOD. The best method to use these nuts is to eat them with honey. This enhances health benefits. Ayurveda acharyas always recommend nuts for the above conditions.

Walnuts are delicious and tasty seeds that belong to the tree nut family of cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, and pine, and they are from the Juglans genus. These are round and single-seeded fruits enclosed in an inedible and thick husk. The fruits are encased in a hard and two-halved shell. These wonder nuts have been thought to be brain food due to their medicinal properties and their brain structure shape which makes them termed as a “symbol of intelligence”, believed to enhance intellect.

The nuts contain numerous nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, essential fatty acids (EFAs), and other essential minerals to offer many health benefits. They are seen as “power food” because of their ability to improve body stamina and strength. These nuts provide various health benefits such as prevention and control of diabetes, lowering of body’s bad cholesterol, weight management, skin health, erectile dysfunction remedy, improvement of metabolism, and much more. These nuts are also beneficial in female infertility caused due to PCOS.

Walnuts for Erectile Dysfunction

Walnuts are a tasty supplement that can be easily incorporated into diets to serve different purposes. Apart from this, they are enriched with numerous significant properties including proteins and antioxidants to offer several health benefits. Here is how walnuts help in overcoming erectile dysfunction or Klaibya

Healthy heart function:

To maintain a healthy and strong erection heart has to pump blood to penile tissues. If heart health is impaired the quality of erection reduces and erectile dysfunction sets in. Walnuts help to maintain heart health. The omega-3 contained in walnuts is a great source of monounsaturated fatty acids similar to oleic acid in other substances which enhances a healthy heart. The nuts are also rich in essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, arachidonic acids, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to aid coronary cardiovascular disease prevention through the supply of healthy lipids. The intake of 25 grams of walnuts daily is enough for the daily recommended essential fatty acids which minimize the chances of heart disease as well as high blood pressure.

Walnuts for Diabetes control:

A study has been reported and published that “consumption of walnuts is inversely proportional to the chances of having type 2 diabetes”. The nuts have been shown to enhance the parameter of metabolism in type 2 diabetic people. The high amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats contained in walnuts has been shown to help people with diabetes without presumed weight gain by reducing insulin levels. It is a known fact that diabetes causes erectile dysfunction. When blood sugar levels are controlled sexual function will be up.

This property of walnut also helps with PCOS or PCOD. The body cells become insensitive to insulin in PCOS. Consuming walnuts helps in weight loss and also provide the required nutrients to improve blood sugar level.

Effective weight management:

There is a strong link between obesity and erectile dysfunction. Sexual function boosts when body weight is properly managed. Research has established that a number of calories, fats, and carbohydrates found in walnuts (believed to cause weight gain) have been found to promote ideal weight. Walnut fats and calorie nutrients are discovered to be healthier than any other nuts in the family.

Obesity is also linked with PCOS or PCOD. Fighting obesity becomes easy when you use nuts. Hence Walnut is always recommended in PCOS ayurvedic diet plan

Sleep and relaxation enhancement:

Proper sleep is needed to keep up sexual energy and stamina. Sleep helps in rejuvenation and repair. Walnuts have a bio-available factor to activate the sleep-inducing hormone called melatonin to regulate and induce quality sleep and relaxation. Adding walnuts to your diet at dinner is a great option for good rest. Good sleep boosts sexual function.

Mood enhancement:

A good mood and a calm mind are absolutely necessary to keep the erection hard. A study has revealed that omega-3 fatty acids contained in walnuts reduce tantrums, irritability, and hyperactivity. This has been found helpful in children’s diets as it makes up for the deficiency of essential fatty acids to boost their moods. Supplementing the diet of people with stress and depression with walnuts also helps their condition by boosting their moods.

Walnuts Increase Sperm Count

Healthy male reproduction:

Walnuts contain medicinal properties to improve reproductive health in men. It has been found to have significant effects on male fertility such as sperm quality, sperm motility, morphology, and sperm vitality. They help to boost sperm count. Consumption of a Western-style diet containing 75 grams of walnuts daily has been studied to help erectile dysfunction in men. These nuts increase shukra dhatu which in turn improves the quality and quantity of semen.

Walnuts for PCOS or PCOD:

PCOS or PCOD causes female infertility. Weight gain and increased resistance to insulin are two major symptoms of PCOS or PCOD. Since walnut helps in weight management and also improves the sensitivity of cells to the insulin it helps in PCOS. Including walnuts in Ayurveda, PCOS diet helps to improve mood swings. It enhances the quality of sleep and reduces stress. Walnut has anti-inflammatory properties. This also helps in PCOS.

Glowing skin and anti-aging:

Walnuts are equipped with minerals and vitamins to help skin glow and be younger. This is the reason why walnut oil is recommended for ageless and flawless skin as antioxidants contained in walnuts are helpful in fighting wrinkles to promote healthy skin. Walnuts are also found to cure skin problems such as psoriasis by applying it topically or using its oil directly on the body. PCOS affects skin texture and glow. Consumption of walnuts help to overcome this

Other Health Benefits of walnuts

Prevents cancer:

Some of the nutrients such as antioxidants and phenolic compounds contained in walnuts have been researched by Carvalho et al. (2010), to help control cancer cells growth in the body. A study also proved that walnuts are capable of reducing the risk of prostate cancer as well as breast cancer by 30 – 40%.

Promote healthy bone:

Walnuts are rich in calcium and essential fatty acids (EFAs) to help secure bone health by optimum deposition and absorption of calcium and control excretion of calcium urinary.

Body inflammation reduction:

Inflammation is not good for the body; however, an experiment conducted by Papoutsi and co., confirmed that walnuts are equipped with a phytochemical and polyphenolic compound to lower the effects of inflammation in the body.

Nutritional values of Walnuts

Many researchers have carried out many National Nutritional Databases and have reported thorough research on the nutritional values of walnuts. It has been reported that walnuts are equipped with omega-3 fatty acids coupled with selenium and iodine that are responsible for optimal brain functions. Apart from these important nutrients, below are additional nutritional values of walnuts:

  • 1 ounce of walnuts contains 4 grams of carbohydrates, 30 grams of energy calories, 4 grams of protein, 18 grams of fats (inclusive of both saturated and unsaturated fats), 20 mg of phytosterols, and 2 grams of dietary fiber.
  • Walnuts also contain minerals such as sodium, selenium, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.
  • The fruits are equipped with numerous vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin A, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, folate, thiamin, and vitamin B6.
  • Walnuts also contain carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta-carotene.


The benefits of plant-based foods such as walnuts cannot be over-emphasized, considering the numerous advantages of fruits to the body’s health. The benefits have been researched to cut across the prevention and control of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, weight management, and much more. This article has been able to highlight some of these key benefits and taking advantage of these benefits will promote the overall health of your body.

(WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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