Tomato Health Benefits and Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda vaidyas tomatoes imbalance all three doshas. Tomato has to be cooked and deseeded before use. Tomatoes are very good for men’s health.

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Tomato is an edible fruit and belongs to the nightshade family or Solanaceae. It is almost sour to taste (amla rasa). Tomato is a rich source of vitamins (vitamins A and C), anti-oxidants, and folic acid. Tomatoes contain an important pigment “lycopene”. This pigment is responsible for the red color of tomatoes. Lycopene has attracted the attention of researchers due to its antioxidant properties. Apart from lycopene, these fruits contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene, and lutein.

A few of the many Health benefits of tomatoes are mentioned below

Provides Plenty of Vitamin A and C

Tomatoes are a good source of potassium and vitamins, specifically Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant and comes from the carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, found in tomatoes. As an antioxidant, Vitamin A helps protect your body’s cells from free radicals that could damage them. Free radicals are produced when the body breaks down food or by environmental exposures, like radiation and cigarette smoke. But protection against the effects of free radicals is not the only benefit. Vitamin A also impacts healthy vision, bone growth, cell functions, reproduction, and immune system function.

Just like amla or Indian gooseberry, tomatoes contain plenty of vitamin C which is also considered an antioxidant, protects your cells from the effects of free radicals, and is important for your connective tissue, bones (asthi dhatu), and skin. Additionally, Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron and promotes healing. Most of us increase our Vitamin C intake when we feel like we are getting sick, or are sick, in order to give our immune system a boost. Regular consumption of this fruit helps to slow down the aging process.

Supplies plenty of Fiber

Aside from these vitamins, tomatoes are also a good source of fiber, which may lower cholesterol levels, manage blood sugar levels in diabetes, and help prevent colon cancer. Fiber even helps maintain a healthy weight. Foods high in fiber tend to require more chewing time, giving your stomach a chance to recognize when it is full. Also, high-fiber foods tend to make you feel full longer.

Helps in Diabetes:

High fiber content and the presence of chromium in tomatoes help to reduce blood sugar levels. The antioxidants in this fruit are known to prevent the occurrence of age-related diabetes.

Prevents  Heart Diseases:

Tomatoes are a very good source of potassium, niacin, folate, and vitamin B6. These aid to reduce blood pressure and thus prevent heart diseases.

Good for men’s health: Erectile Dysfunction and Sperm Count

According to a study, lycopene the key nutrient of tomatoes can boost the fertility of men. The research shows that it can increase sperm count by 70 percent.

Tomatoes reduce blood pressure, and blood sugar levels and help in obesity for losing weight. They also increase sperm counts. All these properties make this herb suitable for use in Vajikarana Therapy (an ayurvedic aphrodisiac therapy). This fruit can be considered as a natural herbal ayurvedic remedy for erectile dysfunction or Klaibya.

Improves the health of the Eyes 

Due to their antioxidant properties and high concentration of vitamin A tomatoes can ward off eye diseases, especially macular degeneration.

Good for Bone Health:

Vitamin K and Calcium present in these fruits help to build strong bones ( asthi dhatu).

Protects Skin health:

Tomatoes exhibit anti-aging properties. Numerous beneficial antioxidants in this fruit can prevent the aging of skin and hair. Free radicals which are the main enemies of skin and hair get destroyed by the powerful antioxidant lycopene.

Tomatoes and Ayurveda :

Based on the principles of Ayurveda tomato increases all three doshas (Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and kapha dosha), especially pitta. It is very juicy and reduces the intensity of digestive fire or Agni. This can cause indigestion. It remains sour even after digestion and hence can cause acidity and flatulence in some people. The untoward effect of tomatoes can be reduced by cooking them with spices like turmeric, long pepper, and cumin seeds or Jeera.

Lycopene in Tomato

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a carotenoid, and antioxidant that gives tomatoes their color. Scientists are trying to find the role of lycopene in the prevention of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, some studies have shown that people who have diets rich in tomatoes have a lower risk of developing certain cancers, especially, stomach, lung, or prostate cancers. It is also suggested that lycopene is beneficial for cardiovascular health, but no conclusive evidence has yet been provided for this statement.

How to consume tomato – An Ayurveda View

Never eat tomatoes with cucumber, dairy products, melon, yogurt, or curd. These combinations constitute opposite foods and pave way for the accumulation of toxins (ama). Persons who can digest tomatoes without any discomfort can eat them raw or drink them like juice. Don’t forget to add a dash of powdered pepper and cumin seeds while consuming raw tomatoes. People who are not comfortable with raw tomatoes can cook them with spices like turmeric, pepper, cumin seeds, etc; and incorporate them into their diet. Tomato soup is an ideal dish for these people.

Who Should not Consume Tomatoes?

Persons with kidney stones, arthritis, and joint pain should not consume tomatoes

Home remedies with Tomato:

  1. Consuming raw tomatoes or drinking sugarless tomato juice or drinking tomato soup before meals help to supply plenty of fiber (which fills the stomach) and nutrients with fewer calories. This helps to reduce body weight and reduces obesity.
  2. Cut a tomato horizontally and dip the cut surface in sugar. Rub this on cleansed face. This acts as a natural scrub that cleanses the skin and slows down the aging process.
  3. Mash the tomato pulp and apply it to the cleansed face as a face pack. After 20 minutes wash it off with plain water. The lycopene enzyme of tomato aids in warding off wrinkles, acne, pimple, and scars.
  4. Regular consumption of tomato juice keeps anemia at bay
  5. A glass of tomato juice with a dash of rock salt or sendha namak and pepper powder helps to relieve morning sickness.
  6. Mix one spoonful of tomato puree, ½ spoonful of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric, and ¼ spoonful of gram flour. Apply this paste under the eyes. Dark circles and puffy eyes reduce with regular use of this remedy.

(Whats App Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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