Ayurveda Health Benefits of Curd / Dahi /Yogurt

Ayurveda recommends plain curd or yogurt or dahi to strengthen shukra dhatu and increase body weight. It also helps with cystitis and UTI. It may cause constipation in some.

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Table of Content

Difference between curd and yogurt:

Ayurveda Health benefits of Curd or Yogurt

Who should use curd or yogurt as diet

Who should not use curd or yogurt as diet

Curd or Yogurt at Night

Ayurveda explains the health benefits of Curd which is similar to western yogurt. This ingredient can be used as an effective home remedy for many health conditions.

Before knowing about health benefits let us know about the difference between curd and yogurt.

Difference between curd and yogurt:

Curd or Yogurt making dates back to 500 BC.

Curd or Dahi:

This is a dairy product obtained by the process of curdling. First, the milk is pasteurized and allowed to cool.

Know more about milk and milk products at

Ayurveda Health Benefits and Uses of Milk – Dos and Don’ts

When the temperature dips to 30 to 40 degrees celsius required amount of curd is added and stirred well. This is allowed to rest for 8 to 12 hours. After this, the curd is ready to use. Indian curd contains “Lactobacillus” or Lactic acid bacteria. The taste of curd varies from sweet to tangy, depending on the storage temperature.

Nutritional facts about curd

Curd is a storehouse of probiotics, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2, iodine, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, molybdenum, and protein. It also contains small amounts of vitamins A, E, and K; iron, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese, fluoride, selenium saturated fats, and oleic acid.


Ayurveda Health Benefits of Curd / Dahi /Yogurt

This is also a dairy product that is made by fermenting milk using yogurt cultures. Yogurt culture contains bacteria Lactobacillus Bulgaris and Streptococcus Thermophilus. Yogurt is more homogeneous and tangier than curd.

Nutrition facts about Yogurt

Yogurt is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2, iodine, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein, and molybdenum.

Ayurveda Health benefits of Curd or Yogurt

Texts of Ayurveda explain the health benefits of curd or yogurt as

Based on Ayurveda principles curd is sour to taste (
Amla rasa) and tastes sour even after digestion. It acts as a good absorbent of water (Grahi). It helps to absorb water from the intestines. By the virtue of this property, it is widely used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. It is heavy to digest (Guru) and causes heaviness when used in excess and may cause constipation. It has hot potency (Ushna veerya). It balances Vata dosha and increases Kapha dosha. It boosts Medha dhatu (body fat), Shukra dhatu (semen), Agni (digestion strength), appetite,  and body strength (Balya).

Yogurt or curd benefits for women’s health

Cystitis and UTI are very common in women. Curd is very useful in cystitis and UTI. It soothes the inner layers of the bladder and eases urination. It reduces the irritability of the bladder and helps in emptying the bladder easily. Women who are weak and want to gain weight can add this to their diet. This diary product has good bacteria which help to maintain the healthy PH of the vaginal canal. Women with PCOS or PCOD can include this in their PCOS or PCOD ayurvedic treatment diet. This also helps to boost female libido.

Yogurt or Curd Benefits for Men

This is the best vajikarana food (aphrodisiac). It improves the quality and quantity of shukra dhatu (helps to improve sperm count and motility). This helps to rectify erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation (ED and PE). It also boosts male fertility.

Curd or Yogurt for Hair

Dandruff is a known cause of hair loss. Applying sour curd or yogurt as a hair pack to the scalp and hair, once a week prevents the formation of dandruff. You can mix fenugreek seeds paste or neem to enhance the effectiveness. This hair pack not only nourishes the scalp but also acts as a conditioner.

Mix moong dal (green gram) powder with curd and massage it to the scalp and brush it on the hair. Wash it off after 1 hour. This helps to prevent hair loss and dandruff. It also helps to increase hair growth.

Curd or Yogurt for Skin

Dry orange peel in summer and powder it. Mix this powder with little curds and massage it on the face and neck. This acts as an excellent cleanser and cleanses clogged pores thus preventing acne and pimples. A mixture of besan (gram flour)  is an excellent face pack to rejuvenate facial skin and body skin. Just applying curd or yogurt on the face helps to reduce dryness and also cleanses the face. Curd is an ideal ingredient in a skin care regimen to get glowing skin.

Who should use curd or yogurt as a diet?

Curd is considered auspicious. A curd or yogurt diet is recommended in common cold, diarrhea, dysentery, fever with chills, malaria, anorexia, cystitis, and UTI. Persons who want to gain weight can use this. It stimulates taste buds and acts as an appetizer. It is found beneficial in diseases of the duodenum. The intestinal-friendly bacteria which are present in curd help to keep the colon healthy. It is a good source of calcium which helps in the building and repair of bones ( asthi dhatu ). Hence children and women are advised to consume curd regularly

Who should not use curd or yogurt as a diet

Persons who have diseases caused by vitiation of rakta dhatu and pitta dosha should say no to yogurt in their diet. Curd should not be used in diseases where blood is vitiated by doshas. Obese people and persons who want to lose weight should not use this in their diet. Regular consumption of this in pure form increases body fat  ( medha dhatu ) and may cause obesity.

Curd or Yogurt at Night

Texts of Ayurveda emphasize not using curd at night. Since it is heavy to digest and sour in taste, it may cause problems during digestion at night. These problems disturb night sleep and lead to the liberation of ama or body toxin which is harmful to health. Eating curd or yogurt at night should be avoided.

Dos and don ts for using curd or Yogurt:

  1. Curd should not be eaten at night.
  2. It should not be boiled or heated as it loses its health benefits.
  3. Always it has to be mixed with honey or sugar or jaggery before consuming. Read health benefits of Curd and Sugar
  4. Its medicinal properties get enhanced by leaps and bounds when mixed with cooked green gram or ghee or Indian gooseberries (amla, Emblica Officinalis).
  5. A well-formed or completely coagulated curd should be used.
  6. Consumption of incompletely coagulated curd may flare up herpes outbreaks, psoriasis, bleeding in piles or hemorrhoids, IBS, etc., and may cause giddiness.

Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for ayurvedic remedies. Email drsavithasuri@gmail.com . WhatsApp + 91 6360108663

Author : Dr. Savitha Suri Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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